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This topic contains 234 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  KASSUZY 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #756140


    Hay y’all!! This is Stealthstorm, and my best friend Flicka! If you need any horse advice, just click here! We will get to you as soon as possible! Or, you can just chat about horses! Have fun, horse lovers! ~Flicka and Stealthy~

    1. #785610


      Hey! Well, I wasn’t happy when this happened…but I am sure y’all will find it hilarious. I dropped my phone in the TOILET!!!!!! :( :D :( :D It is dead, so now I have to get a new phone! And yeah, we aren’t one of those families when you destroy your GoPhone, you get a Smart Phone…haha, cause I don’t think that’s very smart! So I may have to buy a new one…with my own money! :( Haha, gtg, it’s getting really stormy and windy here! ~Veggie Vet

    2. #784692

      AWWW so sorry about your horse Stealthstorm :( hope it doesn’t spread. I will pray he gets better. :) chilly, so sorry about the floods your going through, no fun. glad you get to ride again :D 103 degrees i want to stay chilly :D ~dapplegreyhorse

    3. #784305


      Wow Chilly! That is not good! Well, where I live it is more of a drought. Once again…we have wild fires in our mountains! Last year we had more than 10, and it destroyed so many peoples homes! It was so sad…all this ash from the mountain fires drifted to our house. It was so bad…worse than the cow smell we usually have here! :D That is so awesome about your lesson!!! I can’t wait to hear all about it. If Nashville has White Line disease, they basically cut out the whole inside of his hoof to get the pores of the fungi out of it. And when the farrier came and used his tools…he may have had the White Line Disease then…and it is contagious! So if he used his tools on other horses without washing them…other horses can get it. So we hope it is just an abscess, even though he has had White Line before. :( ~Stealthy

    4. #783767


      Hey gals! Turns out that extra day of rain didn’t come(thank goodness). But it did get even higher! In some parts of our yard the water reached my knees! Unfortunately, a bit of water got in our garage despite the boards and ruined some stuff :( . In fact the water was so high a bunch of potted plants in front of my garage nearly floated away but I went outside(not fun, my boots have holes in them) and saved them. But right now its really hot outside and there aren’t any puddles. Wish I could go swimming in my pool but our pool is freezing(not literally) from all the rain. I think my riding lesson is on Thursday! I’m sooooo excited!!!! I’ve really missed it! Oh yeah and more stuff got ruined in the rain: at a bunch of car dealerships nearby there were a bunch of cars with the fronts of them in small ditches so that you could see the tops of thems easier as you drove by and well they got swamped in the rain; therefore ruined.

    5. #783801


      Nothing much Dapple! Well, Nashville may have White Line Disease. He had it when he was little. :( Or else he has an abscess in his hooves! It’s so disappointing. Chilly, Webkinz was totally glitching out! I’m so sorry! ~Stealthy

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