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This topic contains 234 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  KASSUZY 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #756140


    Hay y’all!! This is Stealthstorm, and my best friend Flicka! If you need any horse advice, just click here! We will get to you as soon as possible! Or, you can just chat about horses! Have fun, horse lovers! ~Flicka and Stealthy~

    1. #766095


      Haha, Dapple, yeah, you creamed me in all but one…haha I died!!! That was fun though! He is 14.2, so almost a horse! He has a wide barrel though so he doesn’t seem short! He does not have feathers, but a giant white forelock and mane and tail!! He is chestnut. :) He has a star connected to a strip and a snip in between his nostrils…and 4 white socks! He is 10 years old, and turned 10 just in February! I would say he is in between. He is AMAZING at the walk and trot but he hasn’t been trained at the canter, so that is green. So I will work him on that!! Thanks Dapple! Lets meet up again! Angel, my user is PomJazz, I think we are friends! I would love a party, it should be like cowboy themed!! :) ~The Horse Fanatic

    2. #766031

      dapplegreyhorse, thanks for the neo gothic clock If you still have the tv I will trade you. I have some clothing that I will send as my part of the trade. Thanks again! ~ A Horse Lover

    3. #765469

      Hey Stealtstorm, we need to hang out together in WW. Maybe I will plan a party and invite you and several others. What is your username? I think I added you but I can’t remember your username. See ya in WW! ~ A Horse Lover

    4. #765455

      Hey stealthstorm, we have played fun games together on ww..I kinda creamed tell us more about your new horse…how many hands high is he?? does he have feathers?? What color is he??? How old is he?? Is he all the way trained yet or green broke?? Thanks~Dapplegreyhorse

    5. #764625


      Thanks Dapple! Haha, thanks. I’m a teenager…soon! :) I use regular, I wish I could use plus! We should meet sometime in WW. :) ~Keep Riding, Stealthy

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