Need something Deluxe? Click HERE!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Need something Deluxe? Click HERE!

This topic contains 143 replies, has 88 voices, and was last updated by  hayleys25 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #773477


    I got a deluxe membership and if you want the latest deluxe trends, just friend me (4cheechees) &i will send any deluxe clothing u want!!! Cool right? Just tell me yr username & request cool clothes!

    1. #789684

      by the way, that’s not what your thank you gift will be–the thank you gift will be something else. ;) I want to offer the coupon to you, because I know the wallpaper is expensive, and I asked for it. :)

    2. #789683

      Oh, I forgot to mention this to you: I can send you an 80% off coupon for the wallpaper, if you like. :D

    3. #789682

      Hello Jessie_800! :D You’re so generous and kind. :) Thank you so much!!! The clothes I want are the striped newsy hat and the spring sparkle dress. Could you also send me the enchanted train station wallpaper from the W-shop as well? My user name is VBS123. I will add you to my friends list right away, and look for something special to send to you.

    4. #789279

      Hiii! My username is xxmagicalforestxx and I’ve been looking for alyssas starry dress forever!!! If you send me that I’d be happy to send you something special in return!!!! Thanks!!!

    5. #789049


      idk if my other commet came if it did ignore this one my user is moonphase417 and i want Leopard Tank Love Diva Pet Coat Webkinz Pet Coat thx

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