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Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Need something Deluxe? Click HERE!

This topic contains 143 replies, has 88 voices, and was last updated by  hayleys25 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #773477


    I got a deluxe membership and if you want the latest deluxe trends, just friend me (4cheechees) &i will send any deluxe clothing u want!!! Cool right? Just tell me yr username & request cool clothes!

    1. #802979

      hi 4cheechees, this is mitzigirl8100, theres something I wanna ask you but i’ll wait if you reply to this comment. Anyways HI =D

    2. #795123


      Hay ! I was wondering if you could send me a super bed ? ( any one would be fine.) If you can’t then it’s OK ! ! You are so nice even if you don’t . And my UN is FrankBolton . Thanks, FrankBolton .

    3. #792718

      Hi! If you don’t mind spending a little KC on this one, could you possibly get me any of the starry slumber theme items? You see, my account expires today, so if not today, anytime after I adopt would be great. I’ll send a little something to balance out the cost. If you don’t want to send or can’t send, thats cool too. Thanks!! ~helloprettypanda~

    4. #790862


      YOU are the nicest person i have ever met on webkinz!!! Thank you!!! I would like the tiger strip dress, the lavender dress, and the stylish (green bow) dining dress (I can’t remember what it’s called) THANKS SO MUCH (My username – buttercup207)

    5. #790328


      my UN is cscscs3 (i recently added u to my friends list)and i would like (i possible) the spiral designer dress, fine fethered hat, & summer jumpsuit. thanks so much!

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