Need something Deluxe? Click HERE!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Need something Deluxe? Click HERE!

This topic contains 143 replies, has 88 voices, and was last updated by  hayleys25 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #773477


    I got a deluxe membership and if you want the latest deluxe trends, just friend me (4cheechees) &i will send any deluxe clothing u want!!! Cool right? Just tell me yr username & request cool clothes!

    1. #831806


      ok u are so nice to just give away ur deluxe clothing but can i just have food decoration and a dress but it need to be deluxe :) my username is natalieaq

    2. #829883


      can I have the high heel sandals and the rainbow swim suit and the sweet heart shoes thx my username is youkie258

    3. #828303

      OOOH!!! Thanks!!! Anything Neo Gothic please!!!! Thanks!! Username allwordstaken!! Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!

    4. #827844

      OOH! Thanks my name’s allowrdstaken, anything Neo Gothic you can find!!!!!! Thank You sooo much!!!!! Love you gal!!!!

    5. #827562


      Hi. You are so generous to set up a forum like this. My username is ChipmunkK98. I don’t know much about Kinzstyle Shop clothes, but a few really pretty dresses or tops would be wonderful. Are there any specific rares or exclusives you are looking for? I have a lot and would like to send some in return. Thanks! -birdseye-

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