Neo Gothic Room Theme

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This topic contains 89 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #809740


    Hey pals, i know alot of people have been asking for the neo gothic room theme items and it pains me to say this, i am one of those people. I recently got the webkinz musical dalmation (Her name is Melody and i LOVE her!!) Anyways, i got her and a signature bull terrier (His name is Max and i LOVE him too!!) and the signatures come with wish tokens, i learned. After that i had JUST had enught tokens to get the exclusive neo gothic piano!! I was so excited and after that, i decided that i really want the room theme for Melody (because the piano is for her) So i was woundering, if any body was willing to trade there neo gothic items with me?? The only ones i DONT need (Because i have them already) are: The neo gothic grandfather clock, Neo gothic dresser, and as mentioned the neo gothic piano. Aside from them i would be willing to trade for the other neo gothic items!! My trade list for it is: Any of my pet PSF (not really worth neo gothic i wouldnt think)
    Super hero outfit (PJ Special)
    Fairy princess bal gown (PJ Special)
    Vampire wig (Curio Shop Only)
    Bunny hoodie top (Persophones Shop)
    Starburst cloud bed (Super Exclusive Item (Super Bed)) Swan boat car (Exclusive Item)
    Vortex storage unit (Valued Item)
    Dex dangerous landing pad (Series Tree Trading Cards)
    Safe and sound sound mini locker (Exlusive Item)
    Circus ball trampoline (Exclusive Item)
    Ice cream bar fridge (Curios Shop Only (i think)) So I really hope one of you guys are able to trade me or something!! Please and thank you!! :D **May Starclan Light Your Path!**

    1. #813351

      Sorry, I did not realize until after we had sent everything that the wig was so valuable. I will keep looking for the items you still need and send them to you. Also, if you are looking for anything else, just let me know and I will see what I can come up with. I would love to get you the tub, but I don’t get a lot of points. They probably won’t offer it by the time I could get it anyway, lol. Thanks DF for helping out on this, I appreciate it. ~MORHB~

      • #813922


        lol its ok. i didnt really want it much. :p but ya, if you could that would be great! i got the pillars already, so cross those off the list. And thanks about the tub, nice to know you would try :) thanks MORHB!

        • #814811


          mom, what do u want for a side table? My un is crazybratz011 ~crazy011~

    2. #813162


      I wanted to say thanks to you guys for all the neo gothic stuff, im almost done the room! MORHB i hope you enjoy the vampire wig because if i had of known it was so valuable befor, i wouldnt have put it up for trade XD dont feel bad by me saying this, if it had to go to any body, im glad it was you because you have done so much for me since i joined webkinz newz so i wanted to say thanks for every thing! :) anyways, so neo gothic room, i got most of the things a wanted (and some of your coments are still awaiting moderation so i dont know what else i might be getting) and i thought i would update so you guys know what i need now: neo gothic pillars (2)
      neo gothic floor lamp (2)
      neo gothic dining table (1)
      neo gothic dining chair (4-6)
      and i dont know if any body is willing to do this but i heard there is a neo gothic tub at the Estore, so if there is, i was woundering if any body could send me some points, but only after you tel me how to trade points! XD but ya, thanks so much guys!!

      • #813506


        how do u make smilies

        • #813921


          if u put like, : ) together without the space, it will make a :) face. its tha same with alot of others, i will show ya: : ) = :)
          ; ) = ;)
          : D = :D these are just some, idk if there are more :) hope it helped!

      • #813937


        Hi foxstar I have 4 dining chairs and 2 pillars. I’ve sent you a friend request, as soon as you reply I’ll send them. Nothing needed in return, enjoy. MTT

        • #814111


          awwwz i got the pillars, and the extera gift, THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCCCCHHHH! are ya sure you dont want anything in return???

          • #814367


            Hi foxstar Glad you liked the extra gift, use it to get yourself something special on a trade. I’m positive I don’t need anything in return. Just let me know if you still want the 4 dining room chairs and I’ll send them out.

            • #814470


              Awwwz okie thank u soooo much :) I would still like the 4 chairs, if u wanna send ‘em over, but just rermember, u dont have to :) THNX SO MUCH! ~~Melody

    3. #812851


      hiya! i have neo gothic floor, i don’t really care what i get in return, but fairy ball gown is my fav. i don’t know what date i’ll be back on webkinz but if youre interested i send asap thnx

      • #812877


        i accepted the friend rerquest. Could you please send first though? becuase i got scammed one timee and i dont want it to happenn again. I PROMISE to send the fairy princess ball gown as sson as i can after that. please and thank you!!

        • #812930


          Hi foxstar, I really want mom to have the vampire wig, but your wig is worth the entire theme. LMK what other neo you need, and I’ll send the rest. I have the bed, wall, floor, sofa, and maybe all the pieces mom didn’t send. Your wig is a special item, and worth a sig PSI at least. I know it’s from the wshop, but it is worth more than 40,000 now. DF

          • #813289


            thanks dog fish but i already gave it to him :) and thanks for the other neo gothic stuff!

            • #813349


              Hi fox, no problem, I also am glad Mom got the wig. I just want to make sure you get a good trade if I can. I’ll send the pillars and a lamp. I need to check, not sure I have extra dinning set. LMK if you need extra sofa, I like two in my rooms. It always pays to go to the webkinz value guide when trading, you never know what you may have. The retired vortex storage is worth some KC also. DF

            • #814112


              Hey DF, thanks for telling meh about the vortex storage unit! So, to any body veiwing this, THE VORTEX STORAGE UNIT IS NO LONGER FOR TRADE! lol i liked it alot in the first place, so its nice to know i have a reason to keep it. And u can send me the extera couch IF U WANT but i dont really need it, its up to you. ~~Melody Dalmation

        • #812934


          hey i have the neo gothic couch my user is bvcvbbvcc i know confusing any way i am interested in you dex dangerous landing pad and your Vortex storage unit i hope we could work something out maybe both for the couch please respond thanks

          • #813263


            srry buddy but i already got the couch :( i updated and if you have any of the ones i need left, then mabye we could work somthing out :)

            • #813315


              oh sorry but i don’t have any other neo gothic stuff sorry but you could still friend me i have the gold dress if you wanna trade for that?

        • #813058


          hey, i’ll be on webkinz until 2 o’clock today. (maybe) if you want me to send, just checking, is your webkinz username the same as on here? if so i’ll send now.

          • #813283


            hey, i got it so i wanted to sa thanks for sending, i hope you got the dress :)

      • #813021


        whats ur user, because i get to a day and i dont know if you sent one yet

    4. #812422

      Yes, I will send all of them. The wig is worth it to me and I have extras of all those. Happy to share. I will start sending soon. Thanks for trading! ~MORHB~

      • #812875


        awwz thanks sooooo much MORHB!!! I got the first package and i will send the wig straight over! Remember, if you dont wanna send them all its aboslutly fine. Thnx SOOOOO much!!

    5. #810803

      I’m interested in your Vampire Wig. I have the tv, coffee table, side table, fireplace, and bookshelf. I will give all of these for the wig. LMK what you think. I prefer to send through Kinzpost as the clubhouse trading room doesn’t like my pets and always boots us out. So it makes the trading room almost impossible for me to use. ~MORHB~

      • #811855


        omg like, all of those just for the wig??? you dont have to give me ALL of them for it! i am interested in the tv and fire place, so mabey if you wanted, we could trade through kinzpost for those??

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