Neo Gothic Room Theme

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Neo Gothic Room Theme

This topic contains 89 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #809740


    Hey pals, i know alot of people have been asking for the neo gothic room theme items and it pains me to say this, i am one of those people. I recently got the webkinz musical dalmation (Her name is Melody and i LOVE her!!) Anyways, i got her and a signature bull terrier (His name is Max and i LOVE him too!!) and the signatures come with wish tokens, i learned. After that i had JUST had enught tokens to get the exclusive neo gothic piano!! I was so excited and after that, i decided that i really want the room theme for Melody (because the piano is for her) So i was woundering, if any body was willing to trade there neo gothic items with me?? The only ones i DONT need (Because i have them already) are: The neo gothic grandfather clock, Neo gothic dresser, and as mentioned the neo gothic piano. Aside from them i would be willing to trade for the other neo gothic items!! My trade list for it is: Any of my pet PSF (not really worth neo gothic i wouldnt think)
    Super hero outfit (PJ Special)
    Fairy princess bal gown (PJ Special)
    Vampire wig (Curio Shop Only)
    Bunny hoodie top (Persophones Shop)
    Starburst cloud bed (Super Exclusive Item (Super Bed)) Swan boat car (Exclusive Item)
    Vortex storage unit (Valued Item)
    Dex dangerous landing pad (Series Tree Trading Cards)
    Safe and sound sound mini locker (Exlusive Item)
    Circus ball trampoline (Exclusive Item)
    Ice cream bar fridge (Curios Shop Only (i think)) So I really hope one of you guys are able to trade me or something!! Please and thank you!! :D **May Starclan Light Your Path!**

    1. #818421


      i have the fairy ballgown and bunny hoodie top, neo gothic: fireplace, Bed, 1 Pillar, Tv. i’ll send some to you???

      • #818982

        what do you want for the pillar and fire place my user is EmiliaGG

    2. #818420


      Thank you so much for accepting my friend request!!! i so appreciate it :D

    3. #818311


      Hey! I would luv the bunny hoodie top, I have the neo gothic lamp if you would like! TY leave a comment ~tulip019~

      • #818801

        hey tulip foxstar no longer needs the lamp but he needs the dining table and a dining chair but what do you want for the lamp

        • #819400


          Acually, i dont need Either of them anymore, so i guesse this means the forum is now yours :) Hope you get the whole theme :) Btw you said ‘he still needs the dining table and chair’ im just letting you know, im a girl :) Lol its ok. ~~Melody Musical Dalmation

          • #819659

            ok me to XD your user threw me off XD stupid me but how do you tell over the computer i alomst have the whole theme posting what i need later

            • #819775


              lol I know. And ok. Hope you got the neo gothic i sent you, i saw it at the curio shop afer my theme was finished so i got it for you :) ~~Melody Musical Dalmation

            • #819833

              foxstar will you still be looking at my rockerz ideas cuz thats the one place i feel like i can catch ya at

      • #818895


        Sorry buddy but i got the lamp already :( And, also this forum belongs to me and Snowflake pup queen (It will soon be only hers) So my list isnt really up for trde, but i will make a deal with ya, but fist, are you on my friends list? And if not, add me at Foxstar2000 :) ~~Melody Musical Dalmation

      • #819128


        Hi tulip I’ll trade the hoodie, matching pants and a third piece of clothing for the lamp, add me clo91 if you want to trade. DF

    4. #818299

      Hey foxstar i don’t think you knew this but August of 2012 they made a Neo Gothic Dress if anyone has it was from deluxe membership

      • #818894


        Lol yea i knew. I was really excited (And angery because im not deluxe XD ) But then i fogot all about it untill earlier in september and now im on th hunt to find it :p

    5. #817084

      yes lovin it

      • #817454


        awesome, gla ya like it :) ~~Mlody Musical Dalmation

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