Neo Gothic Room Theme

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Neo Gothic Room Theme

This topic contains 89 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #809740


    Hey pals, i know alot of people have been asking for the neo gothic room theme items and it pains me to say this, i am one of those people. I recently got the webkinz musical dalmation (Her name is Melody and i LOVE her!!) Anyways, i got her and a signature bull terrier (His name is Max and i LOVE him too!!) and the signatures come with wish tokens, i learned. After that i had JUST had enught tokens to get the exclusive neo gothic piano!! I was so excited and after that, i decided that i really want the room theme for Melody (because the piano is for her) So i was woundering, if any body was willing to trade there neo gothic items with me?? The only ones i DONT need (Because i have them already) are: The neo gothic grandfather clock, Neo gothic dresser, and as mentioned the neo gothic piano. Aside from them i would be willing to trade for the other neo gothic items!! My trade list for it is: Any of my pet PSF (not really worth neo gothic i wouldnt think)
    Super hero outfit (PJ Special)
    Fairy princess bal gown (PJ Special)
    Vampire wig (Curio Shop Only)
    Bunny hoodie top (Persophones Shop)
    Starburst cloud bed (Super Exclusive Item (Super Bed)) Swan boat car (Exclusive Item)
    Vortex storage unit (Valued Item)
    Dex dangerous landing pad (Series Tree Trading Cards)
    Safe and sound sound mini locker (Exlusive Item)
    Circus ball trampoline (Exclusive Item)
    Ice cream bar fridge (Curios Shop Only (i think)) So I really hope one of you guys are able to trade me or something!! Please and thank you!! :D **May Starclan Light Your Path!**

    1. #821699


      I have the neo gothic coffee table! I am looking for plumpy glasses if ya have em! ty ~tulip019~

    2. #819909


      Ello, I have the bookshelf, couch, and vanity/dresser thing. If you want any, let me know!!! I don’t care what I get for them, so if you still need any of those then let meh know! my user is (as you might have guessed) nightowl21. Thanks!!! :)

      • #820510

        mine is EmiliaGG i could use with another sofa if you could send that i’ll send something good

    3. #819884

      Foxstar thanks for package 2 days ago lovin the lamp entertaining and the pillar is awesome

      • #820771


        No problem :) i was at the curio shop (‘Cause i go there almost every hour) and i saw some neo gothic so i picked it up for ya :) ~~Ash

    4. #819821

      Trade List
      Bamboo Biscuits
      Batikka Masala
      Bright ‘n’ Early Breakfast
      Bueno Bone Burritos
      Bull’s Eye Biscuits
      Doodle Noodles
      Garlicky Gazelle Tenderloin
      Glam Hors D’oeures
      Ice Cream Cupcake’s
      Marzipan Bone
      Pokey Porridge
      Roasted Mousemallows
      Savory Swamp Stew
      Sea Sponge Cake
      Snowflake Frosted Cookies
      Sour Plum Drops
      Sticky Spider Cider
      Succulent Sweet Sushi
      Tuna Caramel Corn
      Zebra Dog

      Alien Mask
      Country Bonnet
      Bramble Circlet
      Mazin Hamster Stunt Belt
      Despicably Blue Overalls
      Zodiac Earth Shoes
      Martain HeadBand
      Bee Antennae
      Red Striped Fedora
      Super Hero Suit Top
      Super Hero Suit Bottom
      Golden Mask

      Wise Wizard Hat
      Magic Cauldron Stove
      Spree Standee
      Giant Zingo Plushy
      Garage Band Flooring
      Bright Ideas Lamp
      Classic Movie Studio Camera
      Royal Red Carpet

    5. #819798


      Aw thx dogfish, ill totally take all of tht clothing for the lamp! ty, p.s I added you. ~tulip019~ Ill get to sending once you accept my friend request dogfish!

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