New Room Designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives New Room Designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This topic contains 173 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  puffthemagicdragon 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86326


    <p>Are you looking forsomething to do on Webkinz? Do you ever think of designing a new room? Before you do ANYTHING, come to me, and tell me the following things: what kind of room it is, if it’s for a boy or girl, what’s your budget, what size room it is, if you want me to give you a layout, and how many doors the room has. Also, if you want to see specific items in there, please let me know! I promise to give you a new, fresh look for your room! My user name on Webkinz is snowy572. I will accept all friend requests!

    1. #614946


      Ooops……I trued to earlier but I thought your username was Puzzlerocks…..I’m adding you right now!

    2. #614945


      Thank You!
      Add Me!


    3. #614879


      goldfishkoi8088, when I read what you were thinking, it made me feel like i was relaxed! That is great, but the yard would be empty. I am great with designing gardens, so if you would like, you could give me a budget and I could make your yard like an outside relaxing room! Is goldfishkoi8088 your Webkinz username? I would like to become friends! Hope this helps!

    4. #614875


      jarvis, here is the list of things:
      -12 Boomin’ Black Lounge Chairs $4800
      -6 Chrome Edged Square Tables $1050
      -Billards Table $1200
      -Air Hockey Tabe $500
      -Cubby Hole Cabinet $295
      -2 Cinema Ribbon Dividers $360
      -Store Checkout Counter $600
      -Top Shelf Store Ladder $350
      -Webkinz Wares Wall Shelving $400
      -Checkers $100
      -Go Fish Card Game $50
      -Farming Frenzy Game $150
      -Zingoz Switcherooz $100
      -Skunksweeper $100
      -Link’D $100
      That is a total of $9570. The bowling alley is a rare item and alone is $12000 which is over your budget. If you would like, we could become friends and when I see the bowling alley is being sold in the Curio Shop, I can buy it and send it to you, or you can look out for it yourself. I also suggest you add the following items from Spree! using mall credits: Zingoz Switcherooz Arcade Unit, Link’d Arcade Unit, KinzPinz Bowling Arcade Unit, and the Dogbeard’s Bathtub Battle Arcade Unit. You will need a large room to put everything in. I hope this helps! Is your Webkinz username jarvis? I would like to become friends! Tell your friends!

    5. #614866

      Im sorta torn between this design. So tell me what you think.
      Im making a garden for my siggie endangered red panda using his PSI the spa tub thingie. so here is my idea, and I need an opinion! Its like my next project!
      SERP PSI
      Flagstone around the PSI
      Cherry Blossom trees on each corner of the yard
      A pond…that will go SOMEWHERE (I need help with that too)
      And I think thats it. Please respond! Thanks and have a good day!
      ~goldfishkoi8088 :) :D :)

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