Next Requests

Home Forums Trading Next Requests

This topic contains 120 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  sally 2 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #2427139

    Key Master

    Need something from Webkinz Next? List it here! Please note that no one is obligated to send you anything from your list. You may want to list one or two reasonable requests — not “all sendable items” on Webkinz Next. More and more items will be added all the time, so that’s both an impossible ask and not fair for Next players who work hard for their KinzCash.

    1. #2427321


      I need costumes or any clothes. If there’s wallpaper and flooring I could use that too or anything anyone could send that’s not worth much. Thanks ww user id gnf14 or mirandahalee2. Would be glad to send something in return if I have it. Thanks RainyMay.

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    2. #2427313


      Hello I need all the sendable items of all kinds please and thank you .

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    3. #2427305


      I like to have all the crafted items as well and all the up coming holiday stuff and prizes and gifts and other cool things next has to offer and that has a limited time items as well !

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    4. #2427291

      Wow thank you for the new fourm. I assume most of us are poor in webkinz next so this will be a huge help in finding things. :)

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    5. #2427289


      Thanks for starting this section, I sure a lot of players will use it.

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