Next Requests

Home Forums Trading Next Requests

This topic contains 120 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  sally 2 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #2427139

    Key Master

    Need something from Webkinz Next? List it here! Please note that no one is obligated to send you anything from your list. You may want to list one or two reasonable requests — not “all sendable items” on Webkinz Next. More and more items will be added all the time, so that’s both an impossible ask and not fair for Next players who work hard for their KinzCash.

    1. #2428013


      Is anyone willing to send me 3 fruity juice boxes from Webkinz next? My username is sundayten10.

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      • #2428057


        Sending you a friend request so I can send you the fruity juice boxes.

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    2. #2427941


      I need the fruity juice boxes. – eigram If there is something you need, let me know,

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      • #2427979


        @ojibwa, auntjenny, and bed. Please see my post and send a friend request to webkinzplayer0606. Happy to send those fruit boxes to you.

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    3. #2427907


      Hi! I have 4 WW Classic accounts, no Next accounts, so I need 12 of those juice boxes for the challenge. Any help would be appreciated. Just send them to my main account, username is auntjenny7. I can send stuff in return, like KC coins. Thanks!!!

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      • #2427973


        Hey hey everyone if you need juice boxes from Next please send a friend request to webkinzplayer0606 and leave your user name here. Happy to send those out and nothing is needed in return. :)

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        • #2428035


          suze01, ruthie53, bratcat321 and sammygreen301. Thanks. Friends request coming soon.

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          • #2428303


            @keuka01. Hey hey accepted your friend requests and have sent. Hope you check out the other parts of the trading forum :)

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        • #2428357


          Hi webkinzplayer0606? I will be needing some juice boxes to complete the Webkinz Next challenge as well. I will send a friend request from rabbitz2. Thank you in advance.

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      • #2428059


        Just sent you a friend request.

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    4. #2427821


      Hi Friends From Webkinz Next Could someone PLEASE sent me the Drink Box for the event that starts November 1st. I need 3 of them to complete it. Can send something in return … Thanks so much I appreciate it – User Name 7 bed

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    5. #2427553


      This is my next top favorate lists I would love too have all sendable holiday stuff of all kinds and all the room themes and items and all sendable dispensers and clothing of all kinds and growing seeds and plants and prizes and food of all kinds as well and furnature and all the crafted items too please and thank you !

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