not lots of money you need help. Room Help.

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives not lots of money you need help. Room Help.

This topic contains 15 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  roseycheeks2003 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #840099

    Hello my little sister Miss B, our best friend Mr M, And of course me Miss T will be working to help you redesign your rooms on a budget. I myself had only 700$ dollars to spend on furniture. Geuss what I got it done useing 500$ (not counting buying the room). It was very fun helping Miss B. Mr M then we started working with us. Awesome right~! Ok so now I will help you guys you tell me your username (I am Princesstori16) and I visit your room (sometime) and you tell me your budget and also here just fill this form. Username: Budget: what type of room do you want: (like living, Kitrchen, Bathroom, ect)

    1. #864989


      make that 1,100 KC DX

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