Pet History! ~Angel

Home Forums Questions – Archives Pet History! ~Angel

This topic contains 57 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  Atomton 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #784591

    do your webkinz pets have a background for thier name? example: my webkinz Shanzuer is named after one of the guys in the music group Celtic Thunder. OCarinaooftime, i hope you didn’t consider this coping your forum Usename History which is where i got this idea. ~Texas Girl And Thunderhead Forever!

    1. #797743


      Hey guys!! Several of my webkinz have a story…. though all the others I just thought the name fit for the kind of animal… 4 of mine have a story. My bulldog is named Courtney after Courtney Kupets (who was a gymnast for the georgia bulldogs gymnastics team). She is my all-time favorite gymnast (myself being a level 8). My spotted leopard is Hermes after the Greek god. (since leopards run really fast and Hermes is the god of travel… Also i love Greek mythology). My Pink Peacock is Aphrodite since its pretty (Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty and love). and the last and most important to me is my jack russell Maggie, named after my Jack russel that died a few years ago :’( Anyway I love the warriors series too!! Oh and inki14, is Piper after the Lost hero series? I love percy jackson!! (and the Kanes too!!) ~marlin22~

    2. #792836


      i love the warrior serious too! if i had a cat i’d name it leapordfur!

    3. #792164


      will do, angelgirldog7.

    4. #791486

      Please pray for rain in Texas we are in a severe drought. also for another webkinz pet is my Jack Russell Terrier named Wisbone. he is named after two things but mainly from a Kid tv show called Wishbone.

    5. #790678

      Um any but particuly Narnia. my favorite is The Last Battle. the very last page is so beautiful! it makes me just want to smile and cry at the same time!

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