Pet History! ~Angel

Home Forums Questions – Archives Pet History! ~Angel

This topic contains 57 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  Atomton 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #784591

    do your webkinz pets have a background for thier name? example: my webkinz Shanzuer is named after one of the guys in the music group Celtic Thunder. OCarinaooftime, i hope you didn’t consider this coping your forum Usename History which is where i got this idea. ~Texas Girl And Thunderhead Forever!

    1. #826365

      thanks TinaKitty!!!~ GO TEXAS LONGHORNS AND NAVY MIDSHIPMEN!!!!!

    2. #825677


      My Webkinz Black Cat got her name Sabrina from the comic: Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I named her Sabrina instead of Salem, (Sabrina`s black cat) because I wanted it to be a girl. My Persian Cat Creampuff got her name because she is FLUFFY aka puffy and even though she is not cream color it just sort of matches lol. My cocker spaniel is named Carrie because I named her after my brothers`pet Caramel (also a cocker spaniel, except he is a boy). I named my Pink Pony Genevieve because when I was little I watched this Barbie movie and Barbie`s name in the movie was Genevieve and also there was this unicorn in the movie so I kind of mixed it up.. :P My lil`kinz black and white cats`name is Junior because I have a cat in real life and his name is Junior, he has the same fur design. Ahh I got more pets. That`s all I want to post. :) TinaKitty24♥♥

    3. #825336

      yes i am fine. thankfully we live more north in Texas! but yes please be praying for those who were affected.~Go Texas Longhorns and Navy Goats!!!

    4. #824927

      Are you ok angel? I just heard about the flooding that happened in Texas. Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll

    5. #821757

      this is still open!!!!!!!! ~GO TEXAS LONGHORNS AND NAVY GOATS!!!!!!!

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