Places in Webkinz World

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This topic contains 617 replies, has 326 voices, and was last updated by  gdl2002 1 year ago.

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  • #858315

    Key Master
    1. #1223891

      When will the glitches with Jumbleberry Blast be fixed? When I asked about it months ago, I was told that Webkinz was aware of the problem. However, scores above 40,000 still do not count (very frustrating spending all that time on the game and then not having it count)! I don’t know if playing again after achieving the high score of the day knocks the score out, as I don’t want to risk it. I assume since the other is not fixed, that this isn’t either. I really like this game, but I would like to play my best, not have to worry about keeping the score under 39,999 if I make it that far. Thank you!!

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    2. #1223407


      Hi – Can non-Deluxe players receive parcels/items in the mail?

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    3. #1222485


      Hi, Can non-Deluxe players receive parcels/items through KinzPost?

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      • #1223515

        Key Master

        Sure, as long as you’re a Full member. If you’re a Free member, then you cannot. Adopt any pet to become a Full member for a year from the date of your last adoption :)

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    4. #1220325


      I have a question about getting quests at the Adventure Park. The first time I visited the park I got a quest and was able to complete it. But the next few days I kept visiting the park I never got a new quest, even though the page says that I can receive a new quest by coming back to the park the next day. Can someone please help me figure out why this is happening? I don’t want to have to adopt more Adventure Pets to get new quests and would rather just be able to get one quest on each day I’m on Webkinz.

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    5. #1218653


      Could the Webkinz developers please check up on the Quick Event Beauty Pageant in the Webkinz Stadium? I’ve signed up for it so many times but it doesn’t want to start the competition when the total number of entries allowed is filled up. Thanks in advance.

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