Priceless, Promo & more for trade!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Priceless, Promo & more for trade!

This topic contains 31 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Madukayil 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #805651

    Hello Everyone! I’m wanting to do some “Last minute trading” here before school starts back. I’m gonna be in 10th grade so I’m gonna have so much more homework and projects to do therefore I won’t be able to get on Webkinz much. So, here’s my priceless, promo, and more items that I have for trade.

    *Full Hula (Shirt, Skirt, Hat)
    Scuba (Shirt, Pants, Mask, Shoes)
    Sailors Suit Dress (x2)
    *Pink Explorer Boots
    Wacky Jeans
    *Cotton Candy Jacket (Promo)
    Lilly Pad Dress (Promo)
    Elf Hat

    Emerald Gemster
    Topaz Gemster
    Amethyst Gemster
    Spring Melody Harp (Spring Songbird PSI)
    *Rock Around the Croc Clock (Candy Croc PSI)
    *Balance Perch (Libra Eagle PSI)
    *Fiery Fountain (Sizzling Swan PSI)
    *Zircon Sofa (Birthstone Zircon Pup PSI)
    Candy Pup Tent (Candy Pup PSI)
    Chillaxin’ Couch (Peace n’ Love Pup PSI)
    Tyrannical Rex Slide (Promo)
    Rainbow Fountain of Wow (Promo)
    Haunted Elven Pipe Organ (Promo)

    Here is what I am looking for:
    Sailors Hat
    Sea Capt’n Shoes
    Sailors Suit Blouse
    Candy Dreamland Dress
    Bean Bag Bed (Sweetheart Pup PSI)

    I will put more items that I have for trade and that I am looking for if the forum goes up. Also, if the item has a star (*) beside it, that means that I’m kinda picky over it. Thanks to everyone!!


    1. #808503

      Crazycootercantcatchcats, I still have Wackys and Sailor Dress but I’m in a trade with Hula right now, sorry. What would your offer be on Wackys and Sailor Dress? Thanks! Aliceinwebkinzland4, Hi :) I like your Winged Window and your Gemini Telescope, do you still like the Spring Melody Harp and the Rock Around the Croc Clock? Thanks! Typhoon5843, Sorry, the Emerald Gemster is gone now, I traded it but I still have the Topaz Gemster! Would you do Sail Shoes for the Topaz Gemster? You don’t have to add :) Thanks! ~Fashionbugg123

    2. #807822

      elf hat, what for it?

    3. #807790


      I have sailor hat and sea capt’n shoes, and i need the topaz and emerald gemster. i’d be willing to add if you would trade both gemsters for the hat and shoes?

    4. #807513

      Hi Fashionbugg. I’m interested in your Spring Melody Harp and Rock Around the Croc Clock if no one else has expressed interest first. Unfortunately I don’t have anything up for trade on your wants list, but I was wondering if you might be interested in other items? For Estore I have the Winged Window and Emerald TV. For promo I have the T-rex Slide, Emerald Gemster, Taurus and Gemini Telescopes. Also, I have Charm, Wacky, and Fairy Den Dress. If anything appeals LMK. Hopefully we can work something out. Thanks!

      • #811268

        Hi AliceInWebkinzland4, I tried to post to you yesterday, but it didn’t go up, sorry! If you are still interested in the Spring Melody Harp and the Rock Around the Croc Clock and want to trade for them, I like your Winged Window and Gemini Telescope, Would that be a fair trade? If not, I understand completely! Btw, I don’t have the Starry Stallions PSI anymore, sorry! Thank you!! ~Fashionbugg123

    5. #807491

      Hi! do you still have Wacky jeans, hula, or any sailor?

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