Priceless…. Promo…. TRADING!!!! ~+~SAG~+~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Priceless…. Promo…. TRADING!!!! ~+~SAG~+~

This topic contains 424 replies, has 44 voices, and was last updated by  guineapigirl2 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #663006

    Hey SAG! Do you have the swordfish PSI? LMK I can offer lots,

    1. #667407

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-09-18 at 07:53 PM

      Oh my goodness, I am soooo sorry!! I do not have the swim top….or bottom….I don’t think…..I mean I have a lot of swimsuits LOL I guess I am not really sure what specific one your talking about LOL!!! I do have the explorer but yeah no on the swimming thing lol. Im sorry, I wasn’t paying close enough attention to your post lol :)

      Nutty- KK! LOL. I mean’t the lime green one with fish on it. Anyway… Would you meet me in the clubhouse now and we could try to work out a trade? Or if you want to do it tomorrow. If you just want to try to work out a trade on WKN then thats fine too=)

    2. #667385



      Oh my goodness, I am soooo sorry!! I do not have the swim top….or bottom….I don’t think…..I mean I have a lot of swimsuits LOL I guess I am not really sure what specific one your talking about LOL!!! I do have the explorer but yeah no on the swimming thing lol. Im sorry, I wasn’t paying close enough attention to your post lol :)


    3. #667384

      does anyone have melody hat for trade??

    4. #667366

      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-09-18 at 05:45 PM

      BabyMinkey wrote on 2012-09-18 at 12:59 PM
      Hi SAG! Sorry, I wasn’t really here yesterday D:
      Trading in the Clubhouse sounds good, some of my stuff is on my backup though so ;)
      And as for elf shoes– that was just what I traded for them; I got another pair recently but I’m just looking for something to trade, lol. If Ferret wants cat, that’s totally fine with me! I have cat but I was just looking for a trade ;) Ferret can have cat, I might be able to come to KC today. Looking forward to your reply! ^.^
      As always,

      Minkers! D: Trade for what ya wants! D:

      Ferret- Hey, Do you know if BabyMinkey Has a priceless wishlist?

      Minkey- I can meet anytime you want. I’m on like everyday! LOL.

      Nutty- No Way!!! You have the swim top too! Where did you get all of that priceless!?!? Want to meet me in KC and try to work out a trade?

    5. #667307


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-17 at 03:29 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-09-16 at 07:57 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-16 at 05:17 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-09-16 at 04:35 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-16 at 04:04 PM
      Hey I just got torn, shuts, and rock boots. I also have runners, They are for trade.

      LOL, me too…on all 7 accounts LOL!! I was sooo shocked LOL :P That was an awesome surprise!!! :)

      I wondered where I got rock. So I guess it was the midnight monster click to win. I hope they give the scuba outfit away!

      Yeppers, that was the one!!! That’s what I was thinking, I have scuba but would love hula LOL :P

      Hey do you still have pink explorer? Oh and do you have the swim top?

      Hey SAG

      yes I do :P


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