Promo and priceless for trade!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Promo and priceless for trade!!!

This topic contains 53 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  xboxpab 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #727027

    I have… White ears, full ketchup, plumpy, Wz, science goggles, cloud adventure wings, retired purple t-shirt, rockerz punk pants, rainbow fountain of wow, holiday spirit slide and swing, full B&W cat, and my favorites that are probably only for trade for AMAZING offer are, merry melodies hat, and snowy mountain mine cart ride

    1. #729871

      Never mind Spotpuppy. I can see your quite bust with other things. Thank you for your time. ~Be the fudge

    2. #729840


      Hey Spot I posted back a couple pages that I have a charm tiara and I reallllyyy want your fairy den dress.:)

    3. #729795

      Alice, I do have the ruby gem car that I could add!

      • #729820

        Spot, I think that sounds fair. My UN is pookiejosephine if you’d like to add me. Would you prefer to send or meet in the TR? If the TR, LMK a time that would be convenient for you, zone, etc. Thanks!

    4. #729759

      Spot, Yes, Alice is fine(: Hmm, not sure how comfortable I’d be with that. Would you mind terribly adding? I’m not sure what you would consider to be fair as an add-on, I don’t know if adding a priceless would be fair to you or not but you can LMK your thoughts. Thanks!

    5. #729682

      Alice- first off, can I call you that? Anyway, I’m gonna make an offer. If its not fair, please don’t hesitate to tell me to add. For your emerald gem car and captain hat, I could do rainbow fountain of wow. I’m really sorry, but I no longer have the goggles.

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