Rare Seeds for Trade?

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This topic contains 30 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #735829


    Anybody have stuff like marshmallow seeds? I have: (All PSI) Googles Pond, Patchwork Sofa, Retriever Treadmill, and Beautiful Blush Treadmill. I also have a car booth and antique wishing well that are exclusive.

    1. #736497

      Ok. What does an amethyst gown go for?-spot

      • #736586


        Spot, my friend traded several items for it, including PSI, promo and priceless. I don’t need anything specific, so why don’t you make me an offer. I have no wish list, sorry. DF

    2. #736490

      Dacota, I have Marshmellow seeds if your interested. I already have most of the PSI that you listed. Do you have any more? PLMKSNOL

    3. #736486

      Dogfish, I would love to trade for an amethyst gown for my sister. Also, do you have deluxe memberships that can be gifted? I would happily trade emo!

      • #736494


        Hi, I only have one year right now, I have given all the others away. I need to wait until they go on sale again. I always get a few of each. The gown is trading for plenty, but feel free to offer. DF

    4. #736438


      dogfish, thanks s much! ( for wen you get it for me when you get more) your the best! ill let you know what i have for it soon! ~dancer

      • #736446


        Np dancer, I think I need to get plenty. LOL I also have that amethyst gown, and the new forest gown. I have a lot of the purple one. Hope to have more tutus tonight, or sooner. TTYL DF

    5. #736353


      I also need the pretty kitty PSI. i have some pretty good offers for it :) Do you really have it dogfish? :D

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