Retired Exclusive Wishlist Part 1!

Home Forums Questions – Archives Retired Exclusive Wishlist Part 1!

This topic contains 158 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  icecooler86 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #839947


    Hi WW friends, here is my first ever wishlist! I had 2 Trade Lists but never posted a wishlist. If anyone has any that is awesome. There are 30 items I am looking for, however I will post seven now! 1. Ambulance 2. Amethyst Geode 3. Blue Dragster 4. Blue Wagon Racer 5. Circle of friends Topiary. 6. Electric Blue Lava Lamp 7. Fancy Tea Service -Oh and since these items are worth tons, I only appreciate you looking, and please do not send/trade if you like the item. Please don’t send if it is your last one either! I don’t have something really awesome in value to cover, unless you want a combo. Anyways please do check out Atomton’s Trade List 2.-Atom

    1. #843975


      Hi DF, that is really sweet of you to send a Thank You present to Webkinz Lover. I bet he/she will like yours better than mine. I send Topsy-Turvy Window back to finish my part of the trade. It has a value of (25,000-30,000). It is the most valuable possesion I have that wasn’t gifted to me by you or Lamb. It was my first exclusive ever on this site I kept. You see I sold the PSI and the exclusive given to me with my first pet. Brand new member then, big mistake. I got both back now. :) A friend sent my another topsy-turvy window and a couple other things as a thank you present for sending a few items. I traded my original. Now I hope Webkinz Lover keeps it. I have it and am not asking for another just saying. It would be really sad if it was sold. I hope it is well liked and finds a good home. I wish I known because I was going through all my rooms looking for something, but I did out of kindess and Webkinz Lover was very kind to me. Peace-Atom

    2. #843785


      Thanks for the next shipment Lamb, the room I am making in honor of my grandpa is turning out great. What do I put on the pedistal?-Atom

      • #843952


        Hey Atom, good to hear. You can put a plant on the pedestal, that spiky one or a cactus works. LT

        • #843980


          What spikey one?-Atom

          • #844101


            Hey Atom. The spiky one is the spider plant, but the barrel cactus, beyond be-leaf cactus and sugauro cactus from the w-shop all work as well. The giant rafflesia plant is a webkinz friends item and it’s worth 8 000 – 10 000. Lamb

    3. #843537


      Hey DF and Lamb, did either of you win the Festive Fountain on Super Wheel and still have it? I am looking for one for my friend SnowflakePupQueen. I bought 3 last year which I have on display and I didn’t win it on SW. If anyone has it could you either send to EmiliaGG, or to me to send to her? BIG thank you to you two, you are both amazing Webkinz Superstars. I am sorry for my tone in this it sounds like I am begging. Well I wish I bought more to gift before it retired. Hey to my friends who read this; I have almost whole Halloween theme, and Christmas Collection prizes. If you missed any I will give you a great awesome deal especially if you are one of my besties!-Atom

      • #843725


        I don’t have another festive fountain sorry Atom, LT

        • #843950


          It’s ok thanks for looking!-Atom

      • #843917


        No problem atom I will send that to GG. TTYL DF

        • #843949


          Thanks so much DF. I can’t wait to see Snow Flake Pup’s Christmas room with its newest addition. Thanks a bunch.-Atom

    4. #843453


      Hi Lamb, thanks for the next shipments of country, Thanks Collector10, for rainy day window. Lamb I know we agree for one of each item in country but can you send four chairs? If so that would be great.-Atom

      • #843659


        Atom don’t worry I already have that covered I will be sending 4 chairs, no worries! LT

    5. #843391


      Hi DF! Sorry about the room confusion. I guess webkinz and youtube don’t work well together. I was listening to Britt Nicole’s song Ready. It is really good. Also I like headphones by her. She is a great artist. Thanks Gold for introducing her music to me! What can I get you for Valentine’s Day? You too Gold? Every year my family gives valentine’s day presents. Maybe we can exchange on my trade list? Oh and I have a question. What should I do with the Egyptian Items I have. I have the fridge, windows, and wall/floors. I don’t have everything else. I saw on WI that it is a retired rare, so rare I can’t just wish for these items. I saw some in the trading room but didn’t have anything they wanted. Video Challenge doesn’t work for everything! LOL! So should I sell or keep it.-Atom

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