SC’s trading wish list!!! :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives SC’s trading wish list!!! :)

This topic contains 32 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  sweetcupcake16 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #825330

    Hello! :D This is my trading forum. Because my trade list is pretty long, and always subject to change without notice, I’m only posting my wish list. :) WISHLIST: piano sofa, victorian hat and gown, rockerz bulldog outfit, big bark clock tower, diamond piano, puppy patrol car, neo-gothic wallpaper, and if I add anything else to my wishlist I will post on here ASAP. Have a sweet day!~ SC

    1. #829810

      ANOTHER WISHLIST UPDATE: I now have the victorian gown and hat. :D This is my current wish list for trading right now: puppy patrol car,big bark clock tower,and rockers bulldog outfit.

    2. #829809

      Hi dogfish! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR THE VICTORIAN GOWN AND HAT!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D I’M SOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED RIGHT NOW!!!!!! :D :D :D :D Is there anything you want in return? Have a very sweet day!~SC

      • #830441


        Hi and nope, need nothing. Becky and I put our “odd” pieces together to get the outfit to you. I can only take credit for the dress, my bff Becky had the hat. We both dislike incomplete outfits so much, LOL Right? Becky. So you are very welcome, enjoy, DF

        • #830951


          Yep, LOL This is too all who are into the Huger Games, Catching Fire is amazing, like I knew it would be. Get ready to cry if your going to see it. :)

          • #848240


            OMG, I missed it. I wanted to see it so much!

        • #831088

          Hi dogfish and Becky71W! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! BOTH of you made my day! Have a very sweet weekend!~SC

    3. #829106


      Hi Becky, I don’t know if you like me or not but could you please add me at frogsandfly? I would really appreciate it if you could help by gifting Winter Wonderland and Christmas items. I know they are valuable so please only send if you have tons. I usually send a thankyou in WW and a thank you here. I try not to be greedy. You could even ask DF if you are unsure about me. Have a nice day and peace be with you.-Atom Oh I have noticed you don’t post much anymore but if you could please check out some of my forums and give me WW advice that would be great!

    4. #827877

      The only things on my wish list now are the rockerz bulldog outfit, puppy patrol car, big bark clock tower, and the victorian gown and hat. :)

      • #828296


        Hey, BECKY, did I see you had Victorian hats??? I have the dress, sans hat. PLMK We can create the set if you have a hat. LOL TTYL DF

        • #828392


          Be careful with all those Originals, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches and Hybrids running around Naw’lins LOL

          • #829006


            You can’t be referring to the Originals CW show, can you? EEP! I love that show. :D Except, I’m still boycotting because of the terrible baby storyline. It doesn’t make sense. Anyhow, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, we’re probably not referring to the same thing. LOL

          • #829010


            LOL Becky, I should be that lucky!! I’d love to run into that crew, wouldn’t you?? I was so glad to see it got great reviews. The ones I like always get cancelled. TTYL C

    5. #827876

      UPDATE ON MY WISHLIST. I no longer need these items because I got them from people: piano sofa,diamond piano, and neo-gothic wallpaper.

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