Share what challenge you are on

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Share what challenge you are on

This topic contains 16 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  dayzeedog 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #755949


    I just finished the Robertas Birthday Challenge. I know a lot of people say they can not read what they are supposed to do on their challenges so I am going to start sharing what my challenges are. If you are ahead of me and want to share that would be nice too! After the first set of four Mega Challenges is when I got the Robertas Birthday. There were two of them. The first one was buy something in the W Shop, Get 2,000 points in scrambled and feed your pet 10 pancakes. The pet would not eat the pancakes for a while and you had to wait till they would eat them again. The second part of the challenge was make $100 playing Candy Bash 2, Make 10 Wishes on the Wishing Well and spend $100 in the W Shop or Kinzstyle Outlet. Now I have a new Mega Challenge i am doing. I have to earn $100 in Pinkys Big Adventure, Take 6 Classes at the Kinzville Academy and spin the Wheel of Wow Three Times. I hope this helps you guys and share your challenges too!

    1. #757367


      Ok so I finished that challenge and now I have: ask 30 friends for ancient scrolls. earn 200 playing tile towers and feed your pet 5 of the green berries…..hope this is helping people….if you are ahead of me let me know what is next thanks crissy135

    2. #757186


      I got the next challenge today- it is feed your pet 10 bottles of water- earn 200 in the hoppity game and earn 150 in the bulleye batter game- hope this helps!

      • #757408

        Yay my 4th camp kinz I havet to get a total of 25 kinzcash on picnic, and buy four foods from wshop feed it to your pet and something else :)

    3. #756155


      Because I got the extra spin today on the Wheel of Wow I was happy. Now I am on the next part of my part two mega challenge. I have to buy a Wizard Wall Scroll and feed my Webkinz 10 sugarberries-I am so glad I keep them in my dock and not my jar now because it really helps with these challenges. But I do have to get 20 wishes in the wishing well and that will take time…I will keep you guys posted and lets keep sending each other flowers even though I have not seen a flower in my stuff! ok crissy135

    4. #756156

      thank you for sharing I enjoy webkinz challenges. right now I’m working on “keep kinzville clean” i’m looking forward to getting the zodiac earth costume shoes.

      • #757378


        I can send you some shoes but i do not think I got them from picking up trash-

    5. #756171

      I just got done with ms cowlines, almost done with rocketship one and done with campkinz one sorry I just started on the challenges

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