Should Ganz make Egypian Maus?

Home Forums Pets – Archives Should Ganz make Egypian Maus?

This topic contains 23 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  dapplegreyhorse 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #740422


    I’ve heard some talking going on about whether Ganz should make Egyptian Maus(a type of cat). Post your comments here if you think Ganz should or shouldn’t make them.

    1. #783909


      Chilly, thanks for being my best friend! You are so amazing and it is so awesome to hear about you growing as a rider! Thanks for coming to my forum to ask for advice, it means a lot! I hope we will always keep in touch. Even though I don’t know you in real life, I know that we will be best friends forever! Our horses need to get together in their matching outfits…I know that Frappe misses her! :D Friends forever, ~*Hakuna Matata*~

    2. #782715

      GUESS WHAT!! my cat that i thought was a Bengal cat is way more of a Egyptian Mau!! He has all the Characteristics that the mau has. and has the patterns and colors. we think he is a bronze Egyptian Mau mix. Make them Ganz Please?:) ~dapplegreyhorse

    3. #781244


      Thank you to everyone who supports this fabulously fantastic feline! :D I hope Ganz makes these! That would be awesome!

    4. #779703


      Even though dogs are my fav, I think they need more webkinz cats. I completely support your idea chillylily!! If I got one she’d sleep on my Egyptian room. -sheltieluvr

    5. #771954


      Ganz, please make an Egyptian Mau!!!!! :D

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