the Kinville Spa!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives the Kinville Spa!

This topic contains 27 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  hlhf5 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #754209


    Welcome to the kinzville spa! you can go to the hot tub, get manis and pedis and massages! Ill need to friend you so tell me your username (mine is the same) and tell me a time. ill see if I can make it (im very busy). if you also want to do tips (optional) I except coupons! My workers are Cute (works at desk is a deer) and snowball (takes care of anything else) and she is a snowman. I would LOVE some more help. tell me if you want to help and you will get the job! I will tell you when I will need you (ok if you cant make it) and then you will come to work at my spa! I hope to see you there! (ps if you want you can delete me after).

    1. #765995


      every one listen. im not going to have a spa anymore because its hard to find a time for someone to come. but we can also request a spa at the newspaper for suggestions! bye

    2. #763650


      I want to come to the party!!!! Please!!!! But unless it’s after 1:45 I probably can’t come.

    3. #763534


      my user name is ElaKt. We ARE friends already.u said ok on Sunday. I WANT TO GO 2 THE SPA!

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