The Ultimate Design Contest!!!!!!!

Home Forums Games – Archives The Ultimate Design Contest!!!!!!!

This topic contains 39 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  FuryGirl5 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #89973


    <p>Hi! This is the Ultimate Design Contest and its name fits it PERFECTLY!!! For each "round", I’ll give everyone a pet and info about that pet, and every competitor will have to come up with a great outfit!!!! But please, only use Kinzstyle Outlet, Deluxe, and e-Store clothing items. I will need at LEAST 5-6 people for each round with NO maximum amount of people! Your first pet will be a Fire Fawn named Fiery Heart. She needs an outfit for going back to school. She wants to come back in style. Try not to use "girly" colors but make her outfit wild and crazy. Good luck! If you have questions, feel free to ask me anything. Thanks!

    1. #679036


      FuryGirl5 wrote on 2012-09-23 at 08:31 PM

      Chelsea315 wrote on 2012-09-23 at 01:13 PM

      FuryGirl5 wrote on 2012-09-23 at 12:45 PM
      Ok, here r the results!!!!
      Every1′s outfits were gr8, but here r the top 3!!!
      3rd…..MorningShine!!! Gr8 outfit, i loved all the color in it!!! :)
      2nd….Chelsea315!!!!! Very good outfit(s) i loved the color and funkiness in both of them!!!!!
      1st….. A.R.G.!!!!!!!! I loved ur outfit… it was very cool, he’d be happy 2 wear it. Congrats!!!
      And honarable mentions go 2 RoxyJayee!!!!!!! ur outfit was very funky and cool, and i love ur style!!!!
      Congrats everybody!!!
      Thhe next contest is 4 a Aquamarine Puppy named Aqua Light. She is having her sweet 16 birthday party and she wants something cool and unique 2 wear. She wants it 2 be very pretty and fancy while being a bit simple at the same time.
      If u need more info, lmk… thx!!!
      Just Kick It,

      THX!!!!!! can u pleeze tell me what her fave colors are so i can create an awesome outfit!!!!!!

      ur welcome!!!!!!!! gr8 outfit!!!! her fave colors r green, blue (of course^_^) and black. but she really loves all colors… :) hope this helps!!! Good Luck!!
      Just Kick It,
      Ur Friend,

      Hey guys!!!! Sorry it’s been so long I’ve been very very busy…. Pls enter contest! Results coming soon!!!
      Just Kick It,

    2. #668783


      Chelsea315 wrote on 2012-09-23 at 01:13 PM

      FuryGirl5 wrote on 2012-09-23 at 12:45 PM
      Ok, here r the results!!!!
      Every1′s outfits were gr8, but here r the top 3!!!
      3rd…..MorningShine!!! Gr8 outfit, i loved all the color in it!!! :)
      2nd….Chelsea315!!!!! Very good outfit(s) i loved the color and funkiness in both of them!!!!!
      1st….. A.R.G.!!!!!!!! I loved ur outfit… it was very cool, he’d be happy 2 wear it. Congrats!!!
      And honarable mentions go 2 RoxyJayee!!!!!!! ur outfit was very funky and cool, and i love ur style!!!!
      Congrats everybody!!!
      Thhe next contest is 4 a Aquamarine Puppy named Aqua Light. She is having her sweet 16 birthday party and she wants something cool and unique 2 wear. She wants it 2 be very pretty and fancy while being a bit simple at the same time.
      If u need more info, lmk… thx!!!
      Just Kick It,

      THX!!!!!! can u pleeze tell me what her fave colors are so i can create an awesome outfit!!!!!!

      ur welcome!!!!!!!! gr8 outfit!!!! her fave colors r green, blue (of course^_^) and black. but she really loves all colors… :) hope this helps!!! Good Luck!!
      Just Kick It,
      Ur Friend,

    3. #668523


      FuryGirl5 wrote on 2012-09-23 at 12:45 PM

      Ok, here r the results!!!!
      Every1′s outfits were gr8, but here r the top 3!!!
      3rd…..MorningShine!!! Gr8 outfit, i loved all the color in it!!! :)
      2nd….Chelsea315!!!!! Very good outfit(s) i loved the color and funkiness in both of them!!!!!
      1st….. A.R.G.!!!!!!!! I loved ur outfit… it was very cool, he’d be happy 2 wear it. Congrats!!!
      And honarable mentions go 2 RoxyJayee!!!!!!! ur outfit was very funky and cool, and i love ur style!!!!
      Congrats everybody!!!
      Thhe next contest is 4 a Aquamarine Puppy named Aqua Light. She is having her sweet 16 birthday party and she wants something cool and unique 2 wear. She wants it 2 be very pretty and fancy while being a bit simple at the same time.
      If u need more info, lmk… thx!!!
      Just Kick It,

      THX!!!!!! can u pleeze tell me what her fave colors are so i can create an awesome outfit!!!!!!

    4. #668518


      Ok, here r the results!!!!
      Every1′s outfits were gr8, but here r the top 3!!!

      3rd…..MorningShine!!! Gr8 outfit, i loved all the color in it!!! :)
      2nd….Chelsea315!!!!! Very good outfit(s) i loved the color and funkiness in both of them!!!!!
      1st….. A.R.G.!!!!!!!! I loved ur outfit… it was very cool, he’d be happy 2 wear it. Congrats!!!

      And honarable mentions go 2 RoxyJayee!!!!!!! ur outfit was very funky and cool, and i love ur style!!!!
      Congrats everybody!!!
      Thhe next contest is 4 a Aquamarine Puppy named Aqua Light. She is having her sweet 16 birthday party and she wants something cool and unique 2 wear. She wants it 2 be very pretty and fancy while being a bit simple at the same time.
      If u need more info, lmk… thx!!!
      Just Kick It,

    5. #668502


      amazingracegal wrote on 2012-09-23 at 09:20 AM

      I wasn’t going to enter this one, since I was sort of confused as to what you wanted, but since you only need one more entry, I’ll enter!
      Cargo Pants
      Blue Football Jersey
      Trendy Sneakers
      Dark Shades
      Blue Ball Cap
      Hope you like!
      Only 7 days left, A.R.G. :)

      Thx 4 entering ARG!!! Ur outfit looks very good. Ur forum is doing well, congrats!!!
      Chelsea– thx!!!
      Just Kick It,

      Results will come in a minute…

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