The Ultimate Webkinz Givaway

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives The Ultimate Webkinz Givaway

This topic contains 121 replies, has 46 voices, and was last updated by  LexyMonster 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #772071


    Surprise! I also am giving away items for FREE! The items available include but are not limited to Food, Clothing, Furniture, Objects from the Magical Forest, Adventure Park, Wheel of WOW, Wheel of the Month, Wheel of Yum, Wheel of Wishes, Spree, and many, many, more! All YOU have to do is post your username along with whatever you want (You may not get exactly what you want) and your gift will be sent via KinzPost. If you have ANY questions, feel free to ask!

    1. #785796

      Hey there robotkoala! I was wondering if you have the jumbleberry juicer or the wreath. Any jumbleberry fields prizes would be berry cool. (excuse the terrible pun). Thanks ~helloprettypanda~

    2. #785767


      Hey hey!! Sorry about the long wait. Finally made it back to check on this forum : ) Which cool psi do you have and is it free or for trade? -Missy

    3. #784707


      My username is Panda7pet

    4. #784704


      Do you have a zodiac water costume , a butterfly winged belt, masquerade costume,color changing sparkle plant,a Arte holiday plush,elegant Asian headdress , snow queen robe,flowery green house, candy car,Amanda pandas dress,Nafaria’s purple slippers,winged helmet,star collectors carousel,Pheresphone plush doll

    5. #784540

      Hey there robotkoala. I am wondering if you have the medieval bear tapestry (super wheel), magic w shades (wheel of wow), white summer dress (wheel of wow), or the monkey and monkey show poster (wheel of yum)? The monkey poster is from the show, not the movie one. It has a red background and the monkeys are in circles. Also wondering if you have any jumbleberry fields items. Looking for pickleberry juice, pie and muffin, Moonberry juice, pie and muffin. Looking for the fridges too. Thanks for any help you can offer. ~MORHB~

      • #785995


        Ok, i might hav the dress, and sum jumbleberry foods.

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