Trade List ****

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trade List ****

This topic contains 18 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  inki14 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #802268


    Ok I Have Neon Gothic Dress, 2 Gold Dresses, Designer Gown, Spring Time Dress, Pop Star Dress, Star Light Outfit, Sugarplum Princess Costume, Webkinz Crown Of Wonder, Adventure Park Stickers Adventure Park Pants, Red Dotty Party Dress, Dance Party Dress, Polka Dot Hoody, Patriotic Tuxedo, Charmed Dress, Coupons, Giant Sandwich Table, Ice Cream Sundae Bed, Wacky Hot Air Balloon, Opal Dinning Set, Aquamarine Dresser, High Heel Piano, + More! Ok That Was A Long List! Now For My Wish List! Pixie Dress, Any Rare Clothing, Super Bed, Rockers Outfits,Rockers Items,Charm Fairy OutFits, And Sliver Shimmering Dress. If You Have Any Of Those Outfits Comment Below And Trade Me! Im Heardt!

    1. #804227


      Hello! I am interested in your Sugarplum princess outfit, Charmed dress, and Opal Dining set. I have some Charm fairy clothing, the Pixie dress, Rockerz lion plushie, Rockerz guitar, and I could get the silver dress. I have a lot more if you don’t like These!! PLMK Thanks!!!

    2. #804221

      I have the fairy princess ball gown form the kinzstyle shop! It RARELY appears.

    3. #804219

      I WANT THE PIANO!!!!!!!!!!! :D What do you want me to offer you? I have tons of clothes. I have to look in my dock and see what I have. :)

    4. #804162

      Hello. If no one else has expressed interest, I am interested in your Sugarplum Princess Costume. (The Dress and Shoes, correct?) I have all Super Beds, Charm Fairy Outfits, Silver Dress and Pixie Dress. LMK if you’d like to work out a trade. Thanks.

      • #805816


        I Dont Have The Shoes Yet But I Can Try To Get Them If You Want!

    5. #804139

      i would love your opal dinning set if your not already trading with helloprettypanda. i have a ton of superbeds, some rockerz clothing, sliver shimmering dress, and charm fairy outfits. plmk :)

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