***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #717756



      Magical Meadow Bed
      Cave Bed
      Porcupine Sculpture
      Fancy Fox Kitchen Counter/Cabinet
      Reeds N’ Rushes Sofa
      Lily Pad Water Bed
      Stylish Siamese Settee
      King of the Jungle Throne
      Swiss Cheese Table
      Mud Bathtub
      Lucky Horseshoe Fireplace
      Longneck Tv
      Greatwhite North Throne
      Poofy Poodle Chair
      Milk Truck
      Elephants Travel Trunk
      Milk Carton Fridge
      Countryside Gazebo
      Marshmallow Seeds
      Hollow Loungerr
      Songbird Stereo
      Unstable Stable
      Canopy Treadmill

      Candy Counter Fridge
      Golden Lamppost Lounger
      Acorn 4×4
      Lavish Limo
      Sleeping Dragon Bed
      Yoga Ball Bed

      • #717919


        Sryy but i dont need those items you posted:( maybe we could trade the sofa for some clothes, do you have the shimmering silver dress,golden gown, rockstar tom pantes, slit white glasses, w jeans, victorian dress and hat or wedding dress and veil??? ~Narnian100~

    2. #717755


      NARNIA Thanks for responding about the Super Fluffy Sofa, unfortunately I have none of the items you are specifically looking for, I will post my trade list in case something piques your interest, otherwise thanks much!

    3. #717577

      Ailuropoda, Thanks for the surprise! That’s one of my favorite items. :D So pretty!! Is there anything you’re looking for?

    4. #717374


      Hello Everyone!

      Does anyone have this months gemster for trade?

      Also I was able to hit the mall on spree so have an
      extra of the settee, arcade table and the coffee table
      for trade!

      If anyone has the Duckling E-store PSI for trade please
      let me know!

      Still looking for Super Fluffy Sofa(s),
      Promo Bone Couch
      Wintery Window!

      • #717589


        Hey I have the if you want it I would want either the love spaniel psi,the rockerz cat psi or the rockerz papilllon dog outfit. Thanks! Narnian100

        • #717591


          Lol i didnt say what the sofa was srry its the super fluffy sofa:) it has cat ears and its white:)

    5. #717234


      Hey. :) You guys got a thingy. :) In case you don’t remember me I’m DH. :) If anyone needs anything. LMK! :D -Drafthorse1

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