***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #704769



    2. #704725


      Cheynne If you do not end up trading your Boys Treehouse could you let me know please? But of course only if it isnot used in your trade. thanks much

    3. #704724


      Narn- Oh sorry that i didn’t have what you were looking for. :( i really wanted those PSI. I am so disappointing. Others have what I want but I never have what they want.

      • #704754


        Hey catdy i will send the charming charcoal art thing to you just keep it it is a present:) I ahppy to have such a great friend as you:) ~Narnian100~

        • #704876


          You are so kind! i have never known people who are as kind as you guys! Thx! ~catdy ♥ U all! :D

    4. #704618


      Hey Traderz! ILY (webkinz user- Silverheart123) here, and I am desperately in need of some furniture(the more feminine the better, it’s for my little white terrier dog)! I have some exclusives and some PSI items up for trade, anyone interested! If so, here’s what I got: Exclusive/Rare—>Topsy Turvy Window>Riding the Rails Train>Antique wishing Well>4-Wheel ATV >Antique Fashion Mirror>Yellow Plasma Ball>Desert Window? PSI—>Milk Truck(cow)>Trailblazin’ Terrier Scooter(white terrier)>Buried Bone Fridge(cocker sp.) >Googles Gem Zen Garden(pink googles) Random—>Honeys Honey Jar>Giant Zingoz Plushy>Peridot Birthstone Gem Lamp>Golden Dragon Statue Clothes—>Camping Outfit>Striped Board Shorts>Superstar Shirt>Beautiful Blue Ball Gown>Gift Box Shoes(seasonal) ps# i <3 superbeds!

      • #704721


        Hi I have some viscountess stuff. I am interested in your Milk Truck, Trailblazin’ Terrier Scooter, Buried Bone Fridge and Googles gem zen Garden. I favour the Buried Bone fridge the most because my brother had that from his Cocker spainel but He can’t get on his account. The Viscoutess stuff is pink so it is girly.

    5. #704606


      T_T- Your welcome! Could you please remind me of the UN? You’ll be receiving a request from all of my accounts, 1 of which you are not familiar with. It will start with Eas.
      Ladygaudiel- I have a gingerbread cabin. I will look up the value of it if you respond.
      Jajagirl- I’ll friend you through my main account, christinekc.
      Pony- I might have a gemstone PSF, I’ll have to check.
      Hrsgrl- I know this is a lot but I’m interested in you welcome balloons, cowabelle plush, polar bear plush, roberta plush, video game consouls, whismy dragon plush, and a white tiger cub plush. What are you looking for?
      ALL- Please look at the messages below. And also remind me if I missed anyone or was in a trade. If anyone would like to send me welcome balloons I would be grateful. :D

      • #704713


        hi i don’t need a gingerbread cabin anymore. thanks though. hope we could trade one day

      • #704764


        Welcome back KC, I hope that you had fun on your trip.! :) My newest account is Kitty135700. I finally finished all of the challenges except one, I am waiting to harvest pumpkins there.

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