***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #705956

      Bama_Kitty—-Thanks for the party invite! I think i will be able to attend.

    2. #705925


      Bamakitty Thx for the party invite but I busy on all Sat. Thank you for the gift! the movie Screen will look Gr8 in my Theatre! NARN- I love your Classroom! It looks very cool. ALL- As i told bama I am busy on Sat so I won’t be on. Thx everyone!.

      • #706010


        catdy- I sent you a movie screen yesterday, I didn’t realize someone else sent you one too.I’m kats2003 in ww

    3. #705918


      Spunky. Can you post a list of KINZSTYE. I can’t find twinlkes list. >^O.o^<

      • #705950


        This is the Kinzstyle I still need:
        Webkinz Pet Coat (BLUE)
        Pink Webkinz Hoody
        Blue Floral Dress
        Baby Blue Skirt
        Snowboarding Toque

    4. #705911

      Pony—–I sent the last two birthstone foods along with the super sweet tarts. Unfortunately i didn’t have any of the others you listed. FF—–I don’t happen to have any gem psi right now. I do have other estore if you are interested. PLMK

    5. #705905

      LADY- Its not your fault, I didn’t mention I was trying to help Pony, then I saw you were so I think she’s more than covered lol. You were the first to mention it. :) No worries there, thanks for the sentiment. FF- Okay, I don’t have the Cheshire Cat or Lovely Panda PSI’s, I may have the Bobcat’s, but I’m not too sure. I’ll check and see when I log on again; if not, I’ll put together a little list for you. Thanks! PONY- You’re more than welcome! If you and Ferret don’t work something out, you know my offer still stands to help, and I’m sure Lady’s does as well. :)

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