***TRADERS 2***

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ***TRADERS 2***

This topic contains 1,399 replies, has 72 voices, and was last updated by  BabyMinkey 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #700140

    Hey everyone.  I have created ***TRADERS 2*** so that we can continue to trade.

    1. #707163


      LADY – I think I did post it, but I can post it again in about 30-45 minutes if you don’t mind waiting. MYTINYTOTS – Thanks so much!! The winter outfit is the one from the newest challenge, the one with five stages. I traded a couple pieces to a friend, but i would love to havethe full outfit, also. If you have one for trade, what would you like? Also, any wishlist anywhere??? OCEAN – Thanks so much! You’re awesome!

    2. #707126


      Hi FF Nothing need in return, it was a gift for you, enjoy. What winter outfit are you talking about? I may have it, just describe it please.

    3. #707064


      FF- nope, just a gift =) nothing needed Twinks- how about Boreas (god of the north wind), Snow White, or Vanilla for the Snowflake pup?

    4. #707057


      FERRET Did you figure something ouft for the Enchanted Loch for Pony???? I may have missed a post so let me know! Thanks much!

    5. #707056


      FROG OK, let me know when you can what you are interested in. You had the Komrade Couch right?

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