Trades, Trades, Trades!!!! by chocolate19

Home Forums Pets – Archives Trades, Trades, Trades!!!! by chocolate19

This topic contains 31 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  inki14 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #740301


    Hi, this is the forum where you can trade stuff. Post a wants or haves list, and wait for offers! Enjoy!! —chocolate19

    1. #761777


      EgyptianPrincess, you said u wanted the bear statue. what do you have for trade? ;)

    2. #760384


      Hi, this is my first time posting in a forum, lol. I don’t have a whole lot to trade, but this is what I have to offer: 1 or 2 rare foods, Any deluxe clothing under 2 grand, party cap, webkinz dress, clown wig, Nafaria plush, earth costume tops, umbrella hat, p.e. shirt, golden solar suit jacket, spring chick dress, Nafaria shirts, pink petunias, cat playground (rare), pop diva welcome mat, straight road tile for backyard, princess sofa (rare), deluxe clock, bouquet of balloons, baseball wall shelf (rare), and magic potion. I’m really looking for the zodiac fire shoes or any neo gothic. Thanks so much guys! If you want to trade, just reply or friend me. My user is jordylt.

    3. #756043

      Needs: 1. Exclusive item~ royal blue jeweled egg 2. Clothing~ red sparkle dress 3. Psi~ cream soda pup~ fountain!!!! That’s all I need here’s what I’m trading 1. Cats pj party pillow 2, cheeky bunny psi for the cream soda one 3. I will tell more things tommorw ;)

      • #761780


        Girlsrule122345, i have th eroyal blue jeweled egg. I need to find it in my house, though. I would be happy to trade it wit you. What do you have for trade? ;)

    4. #754038


      LambTyler, i have the halloween bed from 2009. and yes, the bee outfit from the curio shop

      • #754627


        Okay well maybe we can figure out a trade for the bed then! I have a few exclusives and other stuff! PLMK!

    5. #753875

      If your still trading I have a swan car that I really need to get rid of. Some real weird glitch happen and it gave me 2. I tried trading it but no one wants it. If you do want it what would be your offer?

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