Trading 16,000 Estore Points!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading 16,000 Estore Points!!!

This topic contains 29 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  SPOOFY7 12 years ago.

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  • #703201

    Hi, I am trading 16,000 estore points I am mostly looking for priceless clothes like plumpy, purple tee, wz jeans, charm tiara or any priceless clothes. Thanks CLL

    1. #707931

      i will trade a rare tv and a bowling ally

    2. #703764

      Bamboo and CLL: I don’t really have any specific wants for my priceless, I just know that I’d like some eStore points, and since I have a good amount of priceless I’d be happy to help anyone that needs it! I’m not sure of values either, so I’ll get back to you on that, ChocolateLabLover. Bamboo, what do you have for trade? I really need some Medieval Theme furniture, so if you have any of that I would be happy to figure out a trade with that!

    3. #703746


      What do you want for orange army?

    4. #703682

      Priceless Clothes I Have That I Am Willing To Trade: Purple Tee, Purple Ball Cap, Orange Army, B-Ball Shoes, and Brown Belt. I also have a lot of retired exclusives, just LMK if there are any particular old exclusives that you want and I’ll see if I have it!

      • #703695

        Hi, mackenziebourgfan right now I promised all the points to dogfish but I will be getting more soon! How many points do you need for your army and purple tee? Just in case I get extra points plmk thanks! CLL

    5. #703664


      how do you “trade” estore points? I’ve never heard of this before!

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