Trading 16,000 Estore Points!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading 16,000 Estore Points!!!

This topic contains 29 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  SPOOFY7 12 years ago.

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  • #703201

    Hi, I am trading 16,000 estore points I am mostly looking for priceless clothes like plumpy, purple tee, wz jeans, charm tiara or any priceless clothes. Thanks CLL

    1. #715747


      i have the catsup suit and the pink popstar uniform i have psi and other for trade for estore points plz just let me know i also have a few other just let me know

    2. #715395

      Because I really need promo dogfish

    3. #715328


      Hi! I have the sail blouse, 3D glasses, swirling leaf tiara, dj, spins, blue crown (retired), big black belt, scuba mask, mach speed outfit, rock star boots, lion pants, the atomic couch (estore promo), and more

      • #715468

        Hi, sorry guys but I traded all my points and I will not be getting anymore but thanks so much for all your offers! I hope you all get what your looking for! Thanks CLL

        • #715599


          Hey Chocolate, no more points, awww. LMK if you were wanting something from the estore, I will be happy to send you some. They did have those awesome $6 pets, I got the greyhound, so cute. JLMK if you need anything, OK? DF PS did you get the purple T?

    4. #708064


      choco, im looking for 12500 points. i have lots of stuff including kinz kringle which is retired and estore psi. i also have some promo but its worth more to me. plmk ~dancer

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