Trading A LOT for estore points.

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading A LOT for estore points.

This topic contains 89 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  vicky 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #686153


    By the way, I will send first. :)

    1. #687047


      Bullet wrote on 2012-12-05 at 07:06 PM

      NB- Sent a request from Bulllett. But, that is not the account I’d like the points sent to.. I’ll let you know the specifics of that in a bit.


      No problem :D I accepted your request :D I figured since it was the same as on here it was you LOL


    2. #687040


      NB- Sent a request from Bulllett. But, that is not the account I’d like the points sent to.. I’ll let you know the specifics of that in a bit.

    3. #687033

      Bullet wrote on 2012-12-04 at 09:57 PM

      NB- I’d like to work something out for those 3 items. (Boys Treehouse, Pink Zebra PSI <– my last one, but it’s fine, and Acorn 4×4..) What do you think would be fair?
      Pransser- What do you think would suffice for 10,000 points?
      Starlightzones- I do have a Celestial Unicorn Swing and Melody, and I’m very interested in your 15,000. What do you think I’d need to add onto my two items?
      ANYONE- If I missed something you said or have forgotten to send something, please let me know and I’ll get on it.. didn’t know my forum could get so busy! Thanks!

      Hi bullet ok good to hear you have celestial unicorn psi and melody. I guess what i would need you to add is either two gemsters (the alexandrite and any other besides blue zircon one) or the Glacial Fox psi and the alexandrite gamester PLMK if this is acceptable – starlightzones

    4. #687021


      brumuda wrote on 2012-12-05 at 05:50 PM

      njw2002 wrote on 2012-12-04 at 04:49 PM
      hi i have 500 estore points can we trade sometime?

      Why won’t anyone answer njw2002 I can understand you not wanting the small amount but you can at least tell her that!

      I actually responded to her on my other forum. :)

    5. #687018


      Bullet wrote on 2012-12-05 at 05:02 PM

      NB- 4,000 sounds about the same as what others have been offering.. Does that work for you? I’d be cool with it. :)


      Yes I think that works just fine :) What is your user name? Mine is bratz2189 :P (LMK your UN because I try not to accept from people that I don’t know LOL) And thank you, you made my day :D


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