Trading center: Everyone Welcome :) :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading center: Everyone Welcome :) :)

This topic contains 24 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  saveahorse10 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #791967


    Ok well finally the kinzpedia came back out again!! :D:D and my little brother and I checked it out and found some things we want. I tried to shorten both our lists but please try and get what he wants before what I want :) I will post a trade list later. Will everyone please post a want and a trade list too? My brothers want list ~ 3-D glasses………………. 4 wheel ATV……….. Eggsellent eggshell dress and hat…….. Alchemist’s stove…………. Alex ‘Kinz outfit……………. Monkey hoodie (for my little monkey :) <3)…………. Dogbone bed……….. any chick or egg or spring costumes ( he LOVES spring)…. Candy clothes or furniture…… Sock Monkey PJ pants and slippers……. and PB&J pillows (his list was 3x longer than this!!!) Ok heres mine- Adventure park framed poster, After party items Afternoon tea lamp Amethyst crown angel costume dragon stone statues (we both want them) Princess play house valentines furniture Bake shop soda fountain and other bake shop items Thanks!!! Like I said we’ll post a trade list later!

    1. #792774


      Ok well while most posts are pending… I would also like you to check out my friends forum ladytrader :)

    2. #792717

      I have bed I think isn’t it white with brown at top? The doggone bed? Message me if I. Am right it’s for trade I will add u when I get ONI am GoodLuckCharlie90 my pet is pretty kitty named Sniffle in trade room wearing shuts slips magic w toque glam girl coat rainbow pants cool forum I like it GoodLuckCharlie90

      • #794538

        Sorry it wasn’t working my reply posted like three times :)

    3. #792714

      I have bed I think isn’t it white with brown at top? The doggone bed? Message me if I. Am right it’s for trade I will add u saveahorse10 when I get ONI am GoodLuckCharlie90 my pet is pretty kitty named Sniffle in traderoom wearing shuts slips magic w toque glam girl coat rainbow pants cool forum I like it GoodLuckCharlie90

    4. #792713

      Hiya! This is my first time ever on trade center but I think I have dog bed thing isn’t it called doghouse bed our something and isn’t it like a white bed with brown at the top ? I think I have it. I will add u saveahorse10 when I get on. Webkinz my user is GoodLuckCharlie90. If u need bed at trading room I can get it I am pretty kitty sniffle in trade room (wearing slips shuts red Winterfest toque glam girl coat and rainbow pants) just message me and tell me if I am thinking Of correct bed :) <3

    5. #792513

      Hello saveahorse. I have the 3D glasses, ATV, and monkey hoodie. I will check out your trade listwhen it goes up. If there is nothing I’m interested in, I will just send them to you for your brother. ~MORHB~

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