Trading Estore Points

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading Estore Points

This topic contains 409 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  Ailuropoda 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #678163

    In addition to what I initially posted I was looking for, I’m also looking for the following:

    Unstable Stable (Night Mare)
    Orchid Bathtub (Estore Lil Rainforest Frog)
    Ruby Window (Estore Ruby Retriever)
    Sunflower Spa (Sunflower Lion)
    Sunny Savanna Window (Radiant Rhino)
    Backyard Bubble Maker (Patchy Puppy)

    Year 1 Print
    Mad Scientist Goggles

    I also have quite a bit of items to trade as well. LMK if anyone has these items and what they’d like for them. Thanks! *AIW

    1. #682752

      DEADCOLOURS- Wonderful, Thanks again! Of course you and Bailey can work something out here. No worries! *AIW

    2. #682748


      Bailey101010- If it’s okay with AIW we can work out a trade on this forum, considering she was interested in the Gemster as well I feel kinda rude trading it on her forum to someone else. You can add me at DeadColours and maybe we can talk about it in the clubhouse KC+? LMK what you’d like to do.

      AIW- If it’s okay can me and bailey work something out on your forum? If not I completely understand. ;)

    3. #682741


      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-18 at 03:03 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-18 at 02:44 PM
      PRANSSER- I do suppose it would depend on what other clothing item you’d be willing to add. I would like to add that I’m interested in your Emerald Gemster. Just LMK, thanks!
      DEADCOLOURS- Okay, thanks for understanding. (: Sounds good to me. My UN is pookiejosephine. I will send over an FR once I log back on in a few. I’ll send the points once I receive the tub, thanks very much. :) *AIW

      I sent over your points so they should now be in your account. LMK if you received them. Thanks very much for such a quick and easy trade! Enjoy! *AIW

      Yep they went through, thanks so much. :D

    4. #682730


      DeadColours wrote on 2012-11-18 at 02:16 PM

      Bailey101010- Sorry I had missed your post, can you make a trade list for me? :)

      I have psi. I have Fha haunted house psi and more!

    5. #682726

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-11-18 at 02:44 PM

      PRANSSER- I do suppose it would depend on what other clothing item you’d be willing to add. I would like to add that I’m interested in your Emerald Gemster. Just LMK, thanks!
      DEADCOLOURS- Okay, thanks for understanding. (: Sounds good to me. My UN is pookiejosephine. I will send over an FR once I log back on in a few. I’ll send the points once I receive the tub, thanks very much. :) *AIW

      I sent over your points so they should now be in your account. LMK if you received them. Thanks very much for such a quick and easy trade! Enjoy! *AIW

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