Trading for Deluxe Clothing.

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Trading for Deluxe Clothing.

This topic contains 76 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  cutieny2008 12 years ago.

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  • #717284

    I’ve always been a fan of the deluxe clothing but I’m unable to purchase them from the outlet, if anyone has them I would love to trade for ‘em. I understand some of the clothing is quite expensive so I would offer more for those. I’m unsure on what to offer for them but I do have various PSI and things, kind of tricky to figure out the value since they’re from the outlet yet they’re Deluxe only. :P Anyone else is more than welcome to use this forum to trade for the Deluxe clothing as well, and as I said I’m not sure on what to offer so if you’re able to purchase the clothing and wish to trade please tell me what value range you were thinking. :)

    1. #720412


      No you didn’t ruin my other trade. I still have 2 mushrooms for Pony in case the trade goes through. If not i’ll send you those as well. i’ll let you know. I’m just glad to help. Good luck with the forest.

    2. #720403


      I dont know why this just posted lol?

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