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This topic contains 5,584 replies, has 132 voices, and was last updated by webkinzfun7478 5 months, 1 week ago.
February 24, 2014 at 2:28 pm #858317
October 30, 2018 at 4:58 pm #1741240
(I’m forwarding this roleplay) -1- When White got to the church building, she instantly set up everything. There were fall decorations everywhere. Apple bobbing(Oh yuck), hay rides outside, a “Watch this movie if you dare” booth, etc. “Ah, everything is in place!” White said. “Black was out of her mind to pretend to be sick today. Poor Strawberry though, she’s gotta hand out candy to the lil’ kinz who come by. Oh well,” White said as somebody slammed the door open. “WHITE! I…” Clyde said as she tripped on slime as she walked in. “…didn’t know there was slime of the floor,” White chuckles. “Heheh, it’s just a decoration,” White said. “Somepony’s gonna get hurt,” Clyde said walking inside more. “Somepony, eh? Well, I think you’re the only horse coming today,” White said. “You know what I mean, Whitney.” Clyde said softly punching white in the arm. “Haha, I do. I guess I’ll hang the slime from the ceiling. Nobody-nopony will get hurt from there!” White said getting a ladder and climbing it as she hung the green-red-purple-brown-orange slime on the ceiling. “Great. I got the hayride pitched. It’ll be so much fun to ride my old tractor and give
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October 31, 2018 at 1:12 pm #1741244
(2) all of the kinz’ a ride. (OH MY GOSH, GANZ. YOU MODERATED THIS! AHHH, I’M SO HAPPY! THANK YOU THANK YA SOOOO MUCH!!! *Falls on the floor and grabs the moderators hands and thanks them so much and kisses the floor* =D) AND I’ll tell tehm the story of my Grandpa… who disappeared in the woods and…” Clyde said but White interrupted. “Nothing too scary. We don’t want to scare them too much, you know,” White said. “I know, but-” Clyde said, but then both of them heard and organ playing. “-what’s that?” Clyde asked. “I bet it’s just Conor. He can play the organ very well, and-” “I BET HE’S UP TO NO GOOD! HE PUT GUM IN MY MANE FOR 15 YEARS STRAIGHT AND I’M NOT GONNA LET HIM DO THIS TO THE HARVEST PARTY! UH-UH, NO WAY!” Clyde said, but then White stopped her from stomping away. “You’re in charge of the hayrides, remember?” White said. “Oh, right.” Clyde said as White let go of her and Clyde went out of the room. “I’ll call Kailie and see if she can help!” White shouted to Clyde as she closed the door. ~~~ Mrs. Silversoft, Tim, Snowball, Truman, Scout White Bow, Pancake Sprinkles…
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October 31, 2018 at 1:12 pm #1741246
~3~ …. Marshmelllew, Cloudy, and a few other kinz’(And adults. You guys can have 1 adult with your lil’ kinz the the group) were in a corner read to go trick or treating. “Are you all ready?” Mrs. Silversoft asked the other adults. “The first house on the list is White’s house, so we should get moving soon!” Mrs. Silversoft said. “Yeah, we’re ready!” Watermelon Lover said as he knocked on Tim’s knight helmet. (As for this scene, your 1 adult kinz and your younger Webkinz(say about 3-14), will be with Mrs. Silversoft trick or treating, and they will go to other houses. Once they’re done, they’ll head on over to the Harvest Party, and then a hayride, and then Kailie’s haunted house…. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!) ~~~~ Kailie the husky was wearing a skeleton costume as Commander Hurricane and Conor snuck up behind her and yelled, “BOO!” Kailie turned around, a little bit irritated because both of them were wearing costumes… Conor was Iron Man and Commander Hurricane was Quicksilver. Kailie absolutely HATED those guys from Marvel. She claims that they’re her favorite characters, but they’re really….
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October 31, 2018 at 1:12 pm #1741248
(4) Marvel. She claims that they’re her favorite characters, but they’re really her LEAST favorite characters. She prefers Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, and Vision. But she’d NEVER tell anyone that. But there’s only 1 person who knows every secret of Kailie’s- her enemy, Peppermint Mocha Mint Joy. “Not cool, guys. I’m on duty, and I have to make sure kids are safe,” Kailie said crossing her arms. “But I thought you loved Iron Man!” Commander Hurricane asked her. “Oh, I do, but-” “And what about Quicksilver?” Conor asked but then Twilight Sparkle flew over them and levitated them over to the church where the harvest party was being held. “There, they’re gone,” Twilight Sparkle said. “Thanks, Twi!” Kailie said as Twilight gave her a brohoof. “Well, I am the Princees of Friendship, so what are you expecting?” Twilight asked. “I’m expecting you to watch out because there a boomerang about to hit you!” Kailie said as she and Twilight Sparkle ducked. “Whew, thank!s! I’m going to go see White,” Twilight said. “Cya!” Kailie said. “Alrighty, now…” ~4~
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October 31, 2018 at 1:12 pm #1741250
Twilight said. “Cya!” Kailie said. “Alrighty, now…” White said, but then Commander Hurricane and Conor came inside. “Oh! Hi Commander, hi Conor! How are you guys?” White asked them both. “Good. Twilight just transported us here,” Conor said. “Oh,” White said. “Yeah, who’s playing the orphanage?” Commander asked. “It isn’t you, Conor?” White asked. “No, why?” Conor replied. “Clyde told me that you-”/”CLYDE!!! OHHH, THAT MARE. SHE JUST MAKES ME MAD SOMETIMES!!!” Conor said stomping out of the building. “Uh-ohhh…” White said. “You said it!” Commander said. ~~~ Alrighty, it is @TAFFKITTY12′s TURN!! GUYS- REPLY ASAP, OR ELSE I WILL SKIP TURNS!!
November 13, 2018 at 11:07 am #1744338
(Hiya, MLP! Oh my goodness gracious, I am so sorry I haven’t replied to this yet! XP I’ve been really busy lately, and I’ve had so many things to reply to on the regular news forum, that I haven’t really had much time to work on my response to this, ahaha (and I’ve also kinda forgotten about it, too, whoops :P ) I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, and I promise I’ll reply to this later today!)
November 13, 2018 at 1:10 pm #1744370
Wait, before I start typing, I’m a bit confused… I thought we were using the original characters we told you about down below (which, in my case, were Elizabeth, Starlight, Joshua, Harper, and Frost) but in your response, you said that we would be using younger ‘kinz, as well as one adult. That’s kind of a problem for me, as the characters I originally planned on using are all teens. I don’t have any adult Webkinz that I can use for this (I only have two as of currently, but one is far too goofy, and the other I only use with my friend), and I don’t have a lot of characters under the age of 14. Hmm… well, since I don’t want to mess up your role play, I guess I’ll go ahead and switch up my characters. Instead of those guys, may I please use Sawyer (male cockapoo), Moth Flight (female ragdoll cat), and Dash (male signature fox) as my “young pets”…
November 13, 2018 at 1:10 pm #1744376
… and because I kinda can’t use any of my actual adult characters, could I please add one of my older teen ‘kinz in as their “supervisor”, instead? I dunno who I’ll use yet, but I’ll certainly tell ya before I type up my reply (which I should hopefully get to sometime soon)!
November 14, 2018 at 9:35 am #1746916
(Welp, I think I’ll go ahead and reply now, if that’s alright! I have decided that I will be using Nick (male signature cheetah) as the “supervisor” for my younger pets. If you don’t like my response or if I did it wrong, just please lemme know and I can always redo it! I kinda still am confused as to what’s going on character-wise, so I understand if my reply isn’t the absolute best, eheh)
A flush of russet fur barreled down the street, with a blur of tan on its heels.
“I bet I’ll get there before you!”, called out Dash.
Saywer huffed. “Not if I do first!”
The fox quickly turned his head around in order to face his opponent. “Yeah, right! No one can beat The Dash!”
“Except maybe me.” A spotted golden shape flew alongside Dash and passed right in front of him.
Dash stopped abruptly, and Sawyer followed.
The fox stomped his foot in frustration. “Aww, no fair, Nick! I was almost there!”
The cheetah patted Dash’s back. “No worries, you’re still the real winner! I joined too late into the race to be considered an actual… -
November 14, 2018 at 9:35 am #1746918
~2~ … competitor.”, he explained with a wink.
“Ha! I guess yer not undefeated after all!”, shouted Sawyer.
“Pfft, I’m still the winner! Nick only ‘beat’ me ’cause he’s a cheetah. You’re just a cockapoo, and a slow one, too!”
Moth Flight walked up the duo, her fluffy tail gently ruffling the dried-up leaves on the sidewalk. “Guys, be nice! If you act like that, I’m afraid you’re not going to get any candy, or be able to participate in the fun activities.”
She was right. The group of four was on their way to meet Mrs. Silversoft, where they would begin their Halloween adventure with some of Snowball’s friends. If they kept misbehaving, who knows what mischief or reprimanding they’d get themselves into!
Nick–who was dressed as a cowboy– was their “supervisor” for the night, since the trio couldn’t go out by themselves. Ellie was originally going to do it, but a last-minute change of plans meant that she had to ask him to take them out, instead.
Dash, meanwhile, was geared-up as a superhero. Sawyer sported a nifty ensemble of Mr. Monopoly (from the board game)… -
November 14, 2018 at 9:35 am #1746920
~3~ … and Moth Flight was dressed as a pretty ladybug.
“I think Moth Flight is right”, eventually stated the cheetah. “As fun as races are, let’s try to focus our attention on getting to Mrs. Silversoft’s, okay?”
Dash nodded his head, and Sawyer (somewhat reluctantly) muttered, “Okay”, in response.
~~~ About 10 minutes later, the quartet finally arrived at the place they were to be meeting. Nick walked in the doorway first, with the younger ‘kinz following closely behind.
“Good evening, Mrs. Silversoft!”, greeted Nick, “How are you?”
Dash aimlessly looked around until he spotted the other guests. He then ambled towards them, and leaned up against the wall. “What’s up, guys? Ready to go trick-or-treating?”
“I sure am!”, exclaimed Sawyer. “I bet I can find more Kit Kats than you.”
“No way!”, cried the fox.
Moth Flight playfully rolled her eyes at the two boys, and sat down right next to a signature arctic hare. She blinked at him, and then extended a paw. “Hi there! I don’t think we’ve met before. My name is Moth Flight… what’s yours?”
October 15, 2018 at 9:14 am #1576776
Okay, so, here’s the OFFICIAL FALLKINZ TAG! Any suggestions, comments, questions, etc about the roleplay are welcome, and reply to this comment for it!
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August 20, 2018 at 2:04 pm #1392936
Fallkinz’ WILL start soon. Could you guys name your pets? Here is the plot: Haunted houses, trick or treating, and a harvest party.
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August 24, 2018 at 9:12 am #1393994
Hi, MLP– thank you for letting us know ^-^ It’s too bad that we didn’t get very far in Springkinz or Summerkinz, but I’m sure Fallkinz will be very fun! :) Hopefully we can make more progress this time! If it’s okay, can I still use the same pets that I had in Summerkinz? (I believe I was using Elizabeth (female signature pomeranian), Harper (female signature arctic hare), Joshua (male signature jaguar), Starlight (female mystic pony), and Frost (male signature lynx))
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September 18, 2018 at 10:02 am #1398692
Hey, Taffy! Yeah, I’m sure it will! ^^ Sure! That’s totally fine! STARLIIIIIIGHT!!! Could you please post a story with Starlight, Pikachu, Tall Shadow, Harper, Joshua(I’m listening to Who Says by Joshua Micah right now, lol)
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August 27, 2018 at 9:16 am #1394278
Thanks for letting us know about Fallkinz’, MLP! I must say, I’m really looking forward to that one; it sounds like a lot of fun! ^-^ It’s too bad that we couldn’t get very far in Summerkinz’, but like Taffy said, hopefully we can make more progress with Fallkinz! If it’s okay with you, I think I’ll use the same pets that I did last time: Lusa (female Signature Black Bear), Katherine (female Signature Calico Cat), Thomas (male Signature Chow Chow), Liam (male Signature Lamb), and Everett (male Signature Pomeranian). Let me know if these are all right!
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August 27, 2018 at 9:30 am #1394312
Oof, Mlp, just found this page again.. is it my turn yet?? XD I don’t even know the order. I’ll start with a clean slate of ocs for Fallkinz’ this time… Nyx the Black Labrador(new version), Derpy Pawz the Fennec Fox (she’s basically Derpy Hooves as a Webkinz XD), Autumn the Puggle Puppy, and Ainsley the Shimmer Bunny. They’re all female. I have to get off now >.<
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August 9, 2018 at 9:39 am #1390132
Hi, i have no idea where to ask this but some of my webkinz items went missing including the Tyrannical Rex Slide. How can i make it come back?? – longtooth101
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July 6, 2018 at 1:05 pm #1382296
@MintyKinz467, I didn’t read your story but I will be glad to read the rewrote version
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July 10, 2018 at 9:18 am #1382880
(Sorry for the late reply!) Oh thanks! Well, it won’t exactly be rewritten. I wrote Snowball’s Spaghetti’s Story on the Webkinz General forum, and some of The Mystery of The Gold Coin in that same forum. I also finished TMOTGC(The Mystery Of The Gold Coin) on the Meet My New Pet forum. I started Snowball’s Snowy Day on the MMNP(Meet My New Pet) forum. I’m also @IndigoZap, @MyLittlePony2010EG13, and @MintyKinz467 on here. I go by @MLP shortened. =)
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