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  • #858317

    Key Master
    1. #1921757


      Are there going to be any more new Webkinz plush pets? I would much rather have new plush pets than new virtual pets. I used to love guessing which pet would be coming out next when the teaser pictures were posted! Why did this stop? I am still planning on getting the narwhal but I would love some other new plush pets to be released so I can purchase those too!

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    2. #1844857


      Hiya again, @MLP! ^u^ (Ah, sorry for bugging you, and I apologize for not yet responding to our convo below or to your story on the New and Upcoming Pets forum! XP I won’t be on here the next few days, but I’ll try to respond to those sometime next week) Just wanted to tell you a quick couple things, if you see this =]
      First, I think you’ll be happy to know that I’m know on the second season of MLP! I don’t remember what episode I stopped at, but, I think it might be “Secret of My Excess”, the one where Spike turned all big and greedy…? I haven’t seen many recently since I’ve been busy, but I have been enjoying it! >^^< I'll have to let you know what I think of the episodes and characters and stuff =) (Also, totally random, but Clint (my black labrador) is now apparently a brony XD Me and moonie came up with this funny inside joke where Clint likes MLP and loves pegasi and… yeah, we kinda got carried away with it haha ;P I even drew a picture of him as a pegasus But, it’s funny!…

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      • #1844861


        … Don’t tell anyone, though; it’s Clint’s little secret XD )
        Also, Spring mentioned to me that you started watching Fairly Odd Parents recently, too ;) How have you been liking it so far? ^w^ I used to watch it a ton when I was younger, but totally forgot all about it until Spring reminded me a month or two ago, heheh. Do you have a favorite character or episode yet? :)
        ~Hope you have a great day, pal! >^^<

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      • #1845007

        OMG, yay! Thank you! I hope this isn’t intrusive or anything. But, I can’t wait to chat more in this forum! I’ll definitely discuss about The Fairly OddParents here just to let you and MLP know! Ahh, yeah I used to watch it a lot when I was younger as well. I remember when it used to be very popular! But yeah, I’m very glad I gotten back into it XD. I forgot how good it used to be! Hope you have a good weekend, and enjoy your brief hiatus, Taffy! ^-^

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      • #2010975

        I’ll try to reply to these S O O N !

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    3. #1835383


      Heya, @MyLittlePony2010EG13! :) Not sure if you’ll see this or not, but if ya do, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve seen the “baby drawing” you recently submitted in the SC, and I really like it! I love how baby “me” has those big, sparkly eyes– very cute! >^^< Baby Loki is pretty hilarious, as well X,D Honestly, you did a great job! :D (Also, unrelated, but sorry I haven't replied back to our MLP thread on the previous page yet! D: I'll have to do that soon '^^ I got a lot to talk to you about! =] )

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      • #1840679

        Hey, @TaffyKitty12! I’m just seeing this now, sorry! Hahahahahaha, thanks! XD I’m so glad you saw it! Yeah, you’re lucky that you’re eyes got colored. I might be too lazy to color it. I don’t even know where that drawing went. ROFL! I tried to post the link, but my things never moderate anymore!! XD Baby Loki has 2 of his unicorns, Spring and Vanilla, and he’s using their magic and driving every one to MADNESSSSSSS!! That was epic… Thank you so much!! ^-^ I’m so glad you like them! I hope you didn’t see that Baby “me”- erm, Honda Windflight has piggytails. I did when I was younger. LOL XD

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    4. #1795850


      When are there new Webkinz coming out none in January or February

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      • #1810482

        They have been released, but they’re not plush pets. For January, Ganz released the Webkinz Pine Wolf and the Sweetheart Cows and for February Ganz released the Golden Dalmatian for the Deluxe Membership Pet, Dawn Dragon that looks like Light Fury from How To Train Your Dragon 3(HTTYD3), the You and Me Puppy, Cougar Cub, and the Signature Collie. For March, the current Webkinz that are released is the Good Fortune Hedgehog and the Gray Dire Wolf Pup. Soon, the Quokka, Sweet SPring Lamb, and the Lil’ Spring Unicorns will be released. I hope this answered your question!!

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    5. #1792824

      (Don’t mind this comment, just updating the tags!)

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