Webkinz building kits for FREE!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Webkinz building kits for FREE!

This topic contains 188 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  readingrocks 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #778607


    Hey everyone! Is there a building kit that you want that is either deluxe so you can’t get it, or you just don’t have enough friends to finish it? Just tell me which one you want and your username and I can make it for you! Please don’t ask for all of them though, only one at a time.
    Also, please check out my trading forum to see if you are interested in anything off my trade list and of course to see if you have anything on my wish list ;)

    1. #819837


      If you can, I would like the Haunted house one please. My user name is 4BubbaGump. :D

      • #820483


        Sure! It will take some time though. LT

    2. #819805


      could I have a building kit for free? I don’t care about which kind It is but im a girl . twawa4 zxcvbnm

      • #820325


        Sure I can send you one but is twawa4 your username? LMK. Thanks, LT

    3. #819767


      I would love one of the Haunted House building kits. Thank you so much my username is VLH123 and i will help send the materials necessary.

      • #820612


        Sure I will send you one! LT

    4. #819464


      Hi everyone! I still have a lot of building kits to give away for anyone that needs them! Here’s what I have:
      6 Daring High Dive kits
      9 Wacky Clay Sculptures kits
      2 Showman Snowman kits
      6 Homemade Hot Air Balloon kits
      3 Crystal Fall kits
      3 Log Cabin kits
      6 Moon berry Marmalade Machine kits
      1 Ivy Brick Wall kit
      I also am deluxe but I haven’t started any of the new haunted house building kits yet. If you want one I will out you down on a waiting list, but it might take some time for it to come.
      Let me know if you need any! ~Lamb~

      • #819780


        lamb, what is the showman snowman? i haven’t seen that one…jami

        • #820315


          Hi Jami! The show man snowman is one from Christmas I believe, and it isn’t in the wshop anymore. Let me know if you want any! Lamb

    5. #808386


      Lambie- I just sent three more kits to you- I will send three more tomorrow and that will give you a dozen from me in your account to help for now- and when you run low just let me know and I will send some more- see ya in WW! crissy135 #solvetheneontutu

      • #808980


        Yes I have so many now I will need a third room! I will let you know if I need some more, hope you enjoyed the “green pants with a pink bow.” He he. Anyways I will send more clothes soon! Lamb

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