Webkinz building kits for FREE!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Webkinz building kits for FREE!

This topic contains 188 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  readingrocks 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #778607


    Hey everyone! Is there a building kit that you want that is either deluxe so you can’t get it, or you just don’t have enough friends to finish it? Just tell me which one you want and your username and I can make it for you! Please don’t ask for all of them though, only one at a time.
    Also, please check out my trading forum to see if you are interested in anything off my trade list and of course to see if you have anything on my wish list ;)

    1. #823561


      Thank you Lamb, for the items! Did I send something back, at least a letter? I do not remember! :( Anyways I will continue to send supplies to you so that you can continue to send and build cottages. Do you have E-store? Are there any waterslides in mystery bag items that can be KP? Is so I would like 1-2. I know they are valuable, do you need anything at all! I do have two POTM items on your WL, however I only really care for the rainbow shower. If you could send me a different POTM item for the Lurking Lagoon it’s yours! POTM for POTM is a fair trade, right? -Atom

    2. #823501


      Hi Lamb, do you have the matching hat that goes with the sweater? I can’t find it anywhere! Also do you have any waterslides? Could any go buy Kinzpost? Thank you so much for everything! You are a great friend! WIll continue to send supplies! Is there anything I can do to help. I am a little behind on 2 building kits and don’t have much KC, so I don’t have any money to really buy! If there is anything I could do from my end please let me know! TTYS-Atom

      • #823613


        Hi atom, which hat do you need? I’ll send some KC this weekend, ok? I will check, but i don’t think there is a PSI waterslide, except estore maybe promo. Not sure. Maybe Lamb knows. TTYL DF

        • #823966


          Hi Atom. I do have an e-store account but I don’t really buy stuff from it so I don’t have extra mystery bag items. Also, they are all kinzpostable, but there are no water slides. I did find out about one yesterday though, while looking at a psi page. Its the small signature golden retrievers psi and its the golden glide water slide. I don’t have it, but dogfish might. Sig psi’s are usually pretty valuable though, so don’t tell her I told you to go to her LOL. I will look for it for you. As for the pet of the month items, yes they are a fair trade one for the other unless one is retired. So you have the lurking lagoon and rainbow shower? I will look for some PETM as well. TTYL, Lamb

      • #823618


        Hi Atom. I sent some more fall fest items, I’m just not sure what. Let me know if you still need a hat, and what hat it is. And I know there are slides in webkinz world, but I don’t think there are waterslides except for the new ones in webkinz friends if they can be kinzposted. But the normal slides are mostly from sig. pets and can be sent, but I don’t have any sorry. Lamb

        • #823651


          Hi! Would you please do a rickety cottage for me? I’m not deluxe, so I can’t . . . This is such a nice thing to do, thank you! (My username is MarshmallowRabbit)

          • #824335


            Sure as soon as I am done one! LT

    3. #823191


      Hi, I would love the haunted house building kit !!!! I can’t get it because I am not deluxe lol! My user is kbk100 Thank you! :)

      • #823441


        Ok I will send one when its done! LT

    4. #823041

      ok so i need a hot air balloon for my Snowflake pup Hurricanes room i have on in a yard

    5. #822892


      Hi Lamb, looks like your customers are building!! I will continue to send pieces for cottages!! Do you have any Gingerbread cabins left? If you do, could I please have one? Were you interested in anything on my trade list? If so, could we trade? I posted up my wishlist and such so it is all up! -Atom

      • #823122


        Hi Atom! I don’t have any gingerbread kits sorry. As for your list I might just be sending some items, don’t worry about sending anything back. Lamb

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