Webkinz building kits for FREE!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Webkinz building kits for FREE!

This topic contains 188 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  readingrocks 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #778607


    Hey everyone! Is there a building kit that you want that is either deluxe so you can’t get it, or you just don’t have enough friends to finish it? Just tell me which one you want and your username and I can make it for you! Please don’t ask for all of them though, only one at a time.
    Also, please check out my trading forum to see if you are interested in anything off my trade list and of course to see if you have anything on my wish list ;)

    1. #831779


      HI lamb, I am a bit stuck on decorating so any additional help from you and DF would be appreciated as always. I will send you a note soon and invite you over if we are not busy. Sometimes I hit your name and it says you already have others over. Thanks for sending supplies, I finished 1 cabin so far. Yes and I would love to see your rooms too. TYVM and SYS-Atom

      • #832055


        Hey Atom, I don’t think I have any more extra Christmas items in my dock to send, but I will look. Your rooms are nice! I’ll invite you over sometime as well! Lamb

    2. #831150


      I am looking for the Gingerbread house. I can also send a Haunted House in return to help you get other requests filled. User- VLH123

      • #831623


        I don’t have any done yet, but when I finish one I will send it to you! LT

    3. #831060


      Hi Lamb, you now the Gingerbread Cabin in the Christmas section for all members, if you could send supplies from your 2 accounts I am friends with that would be great. With 10 accounts I can depend on sending and some extras I should be able to build a few! TYVM-Atom

      • #831595


        Hey Atom! I always send supplies to everyone, I never “x” any out. Don’t worry you will be getting tons up supplies from me LOL. If you see me on some time send me a note and invite me over, I would love to see some of your rooms. I sent you some Christmas items, I hope they were useful! Lamb

    4. #828999


      No problem! Thanks anyway!

      • #829728


        Hi I’m not deluxe, so if you had any rickety cottages to spare for me I would be forever grateful! (same UN )

    5. #827783


      Dear LambTyler, I would like the Crystal Falls building kit if possible. Thanks! Username- True2MyWord1

      • #828382


        Hey True2Myword1! I would have loved to send things, but you are a free member so I can’t send. Sorry, LT

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