Webkinz building kits for FREE!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Webkinz building kits for FREE!

This topic contains 188 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  readingrocks 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #778607


    Hey everyone! Is there a building kit that you want that is either deluxe so you can’t get it, or you just don’t have enough friends to finish it? Just tell me which one you want and your username and I can make it for you! Please don’t ask for all of them though, only one at a time.
    Also, please check out my trading forum to see if you are interested in anything off my trade list and of course to see if you have anything on my wish list ;)

    1. #783781


      May I please have the moonberry jam machine?? I’d love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank-you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • #784541


        Yes for sure! But I will need your username so when its done I can send it to you! :) LT

      • #785993


        Oh, I’m 1pawprint2011 on webkinz ; )

        • #788439


          I would like the gingerbread house if you have one. If not, I would like the log cabin. My username is crazybratz011 Thanks! ~crazy011~

          • #788824


            Ok! Coming right up :P LT

            • #788838


              Oh but I don’t have the gingerbread cabin (sorry) so I will build you a log cabin! :)

            • #788972


              Lamb- I sent the machine to puppy- I am working on another one to help you grant your building wishes-let me know who to send it to

            • #789009


              Yes someone posted on page 5 saying they wanted a berry kit. If you are making another one of those I would appreciate if you could send it to them! :) Thanks again for being a super great help, I wonder if there is anything I can give you in return? What is your username, I would like to add you! Thanks, LT :)

            • #789162


              Thanks! ~crazy011~

    2. #782227


      I am glad you like the food and I will put the shoes and dress on Lissy tonight- thanks I can’t wait to see how they look with it! I sent you some more food today- if there are other recipes your pets like let me know and I will make those for you too! You guys are the nicest people ever!

    3. #781183


      Hi Dogfish! So good to see you on here again- I sent you a note about the food you said you like! I want to send more if your pets are enjoying them. As for the matching shoes, Becky is so busy granting wishes for so many and is so busy I am not really worried about shoes. I love the wings and how they make a silver sparkle- I wish they had silver sparkle shoes that be so awesome! Can I ask you a question? I love, love, love the dress Becky sent me with the wings built in and the purple slippers to wear with it. When she sent it to me, she also sent me a Candy Dress I want to put Lissy in. I can never find shoes that would look cute with it- do they have cute red shoes that would look good with it? I am not asking for you to send me some, I just would like to know if they make any- thank you as always-and have a happy holiday! crissy135

      • #781848


        Oh my goodness, crissy. The new red shoes look great with the candyland dress. I’ll send you a pair tonight. I have extra. And, yes Becky is very busy. Thanks for all the food, we love those. I had a hard time finding this post, so did not see your other post to me, sorry, TTYL DF

    4. #780952


      Thank you for letting me know. I have the jam machine built and I am not a fan. If it made food or something that would be cool, but that was a lot of asking for a lot of help from friends to just sit and watch it. If someone asks you for one, I am happy to send it to them….I will never use it!

      • #781063


        HI crissy did Becky send you the matching red shoes? She said she would if you needed them, on page seven of her forum. The shoes match the red wings I sent a few days ago, DF

        • #781186


          And BTW you are secret santa! I did not know they were from you so tank you thank you thank you! We wear them every day and I love the silver sparkles in them!

    5. #779455


      Hi Lamb Tyler- I bought a building kit to send to a friend yesterday and I could not send it. Once they are built can you send them through Kinzpost? Let me know what you know thanks crissy135

      • #780379


        Yes after you build them they can be sent through kinz post! Let me know if you need me to build any for you :) LT

      • #780301

        Hey there crissy. You can send the building kits after they have been built. ~mom~

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