Webkinz building kits for FREE!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Webkinz building kits for FREE!

This topic contains 188 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  readingrocks 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #778607


    Hey everyone! Is there a building kit that you want that is either deluxe so you can’t get it, or you just don’t have enough friends to finish it? Just tell me which one you want and your username and I can make it for you! Please don’t ask for all of them though, only one at a time.
    Also, please check out my trading forum to see if you are interested in anything off my trade list and of course to see if you have anything on my wish list ;)

    1. #790402


      Crystal Falls thank you so much! user is 10230825

      • #790794



      • #793440


        I will send you a friend request today and when you accept I will send it to you-crissy135

    2. #790113


      Hi Lamb- I was eating lunch and glad to see the forums are working again so I wanted to type something real quick. Hopefully it will go through- I never got a request from the preddypree so I still have that Crystal Falls built. I am almost done with another jam machine- my friends must be sick of getting requests from me haha- I am building myself a crystal falls and a high dive…..then i can build something else if you want more help-just let me know-crissy135

      • #790793


        Hi crissy! If preddypree never sent you a request can you send the crystal falls to polkadotcc10 who commented down below? There username is 10230825. Also I will be adding you. So your user name is the same as here, crissy135? Is there anything you need I can send you, like deluxe clothes or something? Thanks for all your help! LT

        • #790797


          Oh and by the way I added you on Webkinz my username is Bubblon! I hope to talk to you there sometimes!

    3. #789653


      My Un is the same….

    4. #789624

      Hi do you have any log cabins I do not have many friends so it will take weeks to get mine or the new berry machine I may have a few things to trade you for them. Either one if you don’t mind would be ok. Thanks my user is lonewolf74780

      • #790791


        I will make you the log cabin! And these are for free so you don’t need anything to trade for them :) LT

    5. #789224


      hi, I am not deluxe, so if you want to send me one , it would really be appreciated. thank you, kaylia6

      • #790315


        Hi! I can send you a kit but can you pick one out? I don’t want to send one you might have. You can just pick one and I will make it for you! Thanks, LT

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