Webkinz Rockerz Ideas

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Webkinz Rockerz Ideas

This topic contains 59 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #799992

    Mine are Tiger, Lizard, Elephant, Hippo, Billy Goat, Turtle, Pig, Bear, Hyena, Gorilla

    1. #818357

      good idea ;D

    2. #818212

      rockerz unicorn, pony, Pegasus, fowl,

    3. #817978

      at your house on webkinz its creative up canadian/british style (the teapot) hey pinkie pie comes to mind just keep laughin loveed your house should we get back to the meaning of this forum a little ok so here we are how about a rockerz bull terrior feline cat um looks across seal

      • #818179


        omg im in love with the bull terrier idea, but i have a new one…….. ROCKERZ HUSKY! OMG i cant believe i have never thought of that, concidering my fave. dog is the husky xD but yea, i like the bull terrier and seal idea :) im gonna find out all of the ideas we have and then post them up here so we know witch ones we have thought of :)

    4. #817205

      what kind of camera do you have i have an olypus for pictures love taking picture and videos then editing this weekend is secretariat and editing.

      • #817453


        I have a SONY MODEL DCR-SX45. Its a hand held video camer (But i can take pictures with it) it is a really good camera. I dont know how to edit though, do you need a special softwear on your computer?

    5. #816790

      Foxstar i know you like warriors so would you recomend it

      • #817452


        what do you mean, like, would i recomend it as a series for people to read? If so, YEEESSSSS OMG I LOVE WARRIORS SOOOOOO MUCH!! why? are you planning on starting to read the series? If so, i should warn you, its A TINY LITTLE ITTY BITTY BIT violent. Im only saying this because when i whent to the book store, they said warriors was for ages 9-12 and as MYSELF, i diddnt think it was fit for 9 YEAR OLDS! LOL im making it seem worse then it is, its really not. But srsly, are you planning on reading the series??

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