What pet are YOU!!!????

Home Forums Pets – Archives What pet are YOU!!!????

This topic contains 33 replies, has 31 voices, and was last updated by  toontown64 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #737472


    I will tell you what webkinz pet you are by answering these questions………. 1. what is your favorite color? 2.what is your favorite sport ? 3. are you a boy or girl? 4. what is your personality? 5.what is your favorite food? ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS AND I WILL TELL YOU WHAT WEBKINZ PET YOU ARE, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

    1. #807998


      1. black 2. tennis 3. girl 4. funny and always a friend 5. spagetti

    2. #807796


      Red, soccer,boy,funny and sometimes reckless, shrimp

    3. #806798


      Oops I accidentally left out some really important stuff. 1.Lime green,Like a dark maroon 2.Tennis but I don’t play 3.Female 4. “Shy” ,”geek” with gadgets,animal lover,bug hater,hates chores,music lover,book reader 5.Fruit, Mac&Cheese mixed with pepperoni and Parmesan,ice cream. Hope this one helps a lot more than the other.Hopefully u can answer SOON. :@)

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