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February 24, 2014 at 2:24 pm #858297
November 3, 2014 at 10:05 am #887271
I might be getting the Webkinz Signature Red Wolf and I’m thinking of naming him Boulder. If you guys have other ideas of boy names, PLEASE tell me!!! ;-) And for a pumpkin pup to! I was thinking of naming her Piper, Jacoline, Joe or Josephine, or Jacky. I like Piper the best! Girl and boy names
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November 4, 2014 at 9:28 am #887526
Hi! Congrats on your almost-new pet. If you would like some majestic and regal-sounding names, then I like Athos, Magnus, Ignatius, Vendetta, or Jupiter. If you prefer more light-hearted names, then I like Blight, Tangent, Quicksilver, Axel, Cecil, or Vincent. Finally, if you want some nature-themed names, then I think Alder, Slate, Flint, Aspen, Forrest, or Lupin would fit nicely. I hope you like them!
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November 4, 2014 at 9:28 am #887527
Oh, and here are some names for your Pumpkin Pup (sorry for the double-post). If you’d like some cute and funny names, I like Spooks, Terry (like in “terror”), Jinx, Trixie (“tricks or treats”), or Hallow. If you’d like more pretty-sounding names, then Luna, Masquerade, Eclipse, Autumn, or Nightfall would fit nicely. Finally, some miscellaneous names: Spitfire, Booregard, Spirit, and Ghastly. I hope you like them (I tried to make each one relate to Halloween somehow)!
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November 3, 2014 at 9:54 am #887246
haha fracktail, i just like the names. And plus i do like Super Mario. Have you ever tried Super Mario Bros or Mario Cart Racing? they are so fun!
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November 3, 2014 at 4:03 pm #887507
Yes and yes! I’ve played the original Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 2 (the USA one, not Lost Levels) and they’re really good. (Of course, I’ve also played the “New Super Mario” titles, but I presume the originals are what you meant.) Who do you like playing as in Mario Kart? King Boo used to be my main, but then the Koopalings became playable in Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U, and since those are my favorite characters ever, of course now I play as Iggy Koopa. He’s my favorite out of the Koopalings, because he’s just so darned nutty! (Okay, now I’m just rambling. I apologize for that. :I)
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October 31, 2014 at 10:55 am #886836
hi guys! want to know something so cool and funny!? well the day before yesterday i got two new webkinz a cocker spaniel (EEEKKKKKKK) and the silversoft cat! and guess what? THEY’RE BOTH PET OF THE MONTH LOL! so funny! anyway if you want to meet them go to the meet my new pet forum! bye!<:
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October 30, 2014 at 12:52 pm #886705
Ooh ooh! name it Mango! or like kingdomheartsnerd said Manderin or Tangerine! I also like Flutter/Flitter, Zip, Harmony, Autumn, Pumpkin, Gingersnap, Midnight, Dawn/Dusk, Citrus, Lemons N Limes, Stripes, Doodle, Zoom, Mario, Luigi, Tweety, Tweet, Tweetles, Barry, Twist, Oreo, Cookie, Taco. People names would be ~ Oliver, Ollie, Hallie, Holly, Belle, Leo. If you want anymore just ask me!
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October 31, 2014 at 10:55 am #886783
Mario and Luigi? As in, the Mario and Luigi whose series I happen to be hopelessly obsessed with?! You, sir/madam, win the “Reference Fracktail’s Nerdy Interests” game. So does everyone else who talks about Super Mario on the site, actually. EVERYBODY WINS
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October 27, 2014 at 10:05 am #885996
Webkinz Oriole, what shall I name thee? With wing so orange and spotted white! Okay everyone, I need a name for my Oriole. I was thinking Pumpkin, but I will consider any other names posted below. Thanks ~y33onWKN
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October 27, 2014 at 3:17 pm #886126
Hi, y33onWKN! Congrats on your new pet. If you’d like some cute and funny names for your Oriole, then I suggest Trinket, Chipper, Dewdrop, Cinder, or Pixel. If you’d prefer more majestic-sounding names, I like Phoenix, Symphony, Nimbus, Obsidian, or Nightsong. Finally, if you just want some conventional names, then I recommend Ray, Olivia, Fletcher, Blithe, Holly, or Terry. I hope you like these!
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October 27, 2014 at 4:50 pm #886156
Hi @y33onWKN, here are some name ideas: Pumpkin (your idea was really cute if you want to go with it) Jack O Lantern, Autumn, Leafs, Pheonix, Emily, Robert, OREOle (lol), Oreo, Pumpkin Pie, Thanksgiving, Sally, Wing, Tweet, Halloween, or Percy. Hope you like my names, and I hope I helped! :) If not, just say so, and I will post more! :)
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October 28, 2014 at 9:59 am #886184
Thank you! I’m thinking over which name I like best. They’re all cool!
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November 3, 2014 at 9:48 am #887203
You’re welcome! If you were talking to me. lol!
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November 3, 2014 at 4:41 pm #887519
I was talking to y33onWKN…they were the one to ask for the names, so they said that the ones they got were all cool.
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October 29, 2014 at 10:21 am #886422
For your oriole I think great names would be Orian, Orlando, Autumn, Lorrie, Citrus, Symphony, Dazzle, Mandarin, Tangerine, Zippy, Flutter, Zoom, and Aero. Hope you like one of these :)
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