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February 24, 2014 at 2:24 pm #858297
December 1, 2014 at 10:46 am #893260
I like the name Koda for your coyote. My black wolf is named that
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December 1, 2014 at 4:32 pm #893611
I have a Black Wolf, too! His name is Shadow.
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December 2, 2014 at 10:23 am #893659
I have a Webkinz Black Wolf as well! I named her Edme, after a she-wolf in the “Wolves Of The Beyond” book series. I loved that book series! ***MidnightQueen***
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December 2, 2014 at 10:29 am #893693
Mine is named Taro <3
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December 2, 2014 at 4:26 pm #893901
I don’t have a Black Wolf, but if I did I would name him Marvin and dress him up like you-know-who. I even have a Martian Helmet ready to go! (Yes I know that will ruin the wolf’s majestic-ness but hey, Looney Tunes’ll do that to ya)
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December 2, 2014 at 4:57 pm #893939
I actually don’t really like how the Black Wolf looks like online. He should be fluffier! Fluffyness is so great!
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December 5, 2014 at 12:41 pm #894505
That’s OK. Didn’t moderate quickly enough, anyway. I can’t get on WW very often. I would want to go to the park in KC+. Then we can go around and see if anyone reconizes us. XD One person actually did reconize me from my art. It would be pretty cool to be famous in WW for the Story/Script thingy and/or our art. Too bad there isn’t a checkers game board thingy (I like the word thingy) at the park. I think they have Link’d, though, which is almost as good, and a lot less glitchy. XD Plus, whenever it glitches for me, it sems to be mostly in my opponent’s favor. Either that or I only notice when it glitches in their favor.
December 5, 2014 at 3:22 pm #894562
Heh, that’d be interesting (being famous on Webkinz). I doubt anyone would recognize me, though. Maybe I should get another Whimsy Dragon and name it Fracktail so I can use it as my avatar. Would that be weird? I was considering doing that. And I dunno, glitches are pretty random by their very nature. I don’t pay much attention to who’s benefitting from it because I’m too busy laughing at the fact that all the checkers are highlighted at once. XD
December 15, 2014 at 9:30 am #896554
Crud, there’s a “g” in “recognize.” Didn’t know that. Well, the I wouldn’t have an avatar so it would be “Orion and Fracktail” or something. I would prefer it if people recognized us by our pets, anyway. Xp I wouldn’t stop you, anyway (Not that I could). I just don’t like getting pets to make them my avatar, because I feel like every pet needs to different and SPECIAL! (And the the pink backround an sparkles came raining down)
December 15, 2014 at 4:55 pm #896886
*eats sparkles and pink stuff* This tastes awful! *eats some more* And I see your point, that would be weird. Especially since it’d be like I was walking around with my own pets. WHAT And besides, I want to see people run in terror when they see Helix strolling around the park. Heh heh. HEH HEH.
December 1, 2014 at 10:41 am #893212
i would recomend or a girl cara, sasha, kalara, mya, or kaycee. for a boy spark, flash, marco, luke, mince or josh.
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November 26, 2014 at 11:38 am #892271
Hullo folks. OK, so I’m getting a coyote for Christmas, and he needs a name. I usually prefer actual names, but sometimes I like words as named or made-up names. Any suggestions?
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November 26, 2014 at 12:55 pm #892284
Oops. I meant names, not named.
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November 27, 2014 at 10:05 am #892452
Well for your coyote I’d suggest Kota, Cody, Luke, Kellin, Adrian, Chance, Chase, Tanner, Kyle, Dimitri, Miles, Drake, and Taylor. I’ll give you a couple of my spice/tea inspired names on the side too:) Chamomile, Oolong, Roobios, Kale, Duke Cardiff, pepper, and lemonpepper:)
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December 1, 2014 at 4:58 pm #893626
I like Oolong. Sounds weird (In a good way). Oooooooloooooong! I’m not sure that suits my coyote, though. I feel like I should go get some sort of seal now and name him Oolong. XD
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December 2, 2014 at 10:28 am #893683
Mmm see I thought it was good cuz it’s a type of tea lol. Tea and coyotes/wolves totally fit for me lol. Spirit is another nice name:)
December 1, 2014 at 10:18 am #893143
Congrats on the coyote!!!! Awesome webkinz!!! :D I only have a couple of names in mind: Alpha and Cherokee. Again, congrats on the epic webkinz!!!
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November 26, 2014 at 12:55 pm #892286
*gasps* YOU’RE GETTING THE COYOTE?!?! Congratulations! Will it be weird if I help you name him? I felt like it would be weird but my ridiculous brain won’t let me leave anyone nameless. So here are some names! For the “actual name” category, I like Dakota, Larry, Randolph, Lyle, Rosco, Clarence, Sylvester, Rigby, and Farley. If you want some funny-sounding names, then I like Slinky, Snickers, Rocky, Skeeter, or Croco. Hope you like them!
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December 1, 2014 at 10:34 am #893184
Lessee…… So far I like Lyle the best. Makes me think of the insurance salesman that’s an otter from Animal Crossing. Probably because his name’s Lyle. I’m still taking suggestions for names, though, because I MUST BE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN WHEN I NAME HIM!!!!!! So let me know if you get any more ideas for names, please. Also, I don’t think it’s weird of you help me name him.
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December 1, 2014 at 2:51 pm #893551
I’ve never played Animal Crossing, I swear! I know this sounds unconvincing coming from someone like me, but I really haven’t. I want to, though! It sounds really fun to be the mayor of a town populated by small anthropomorphic creatures. Gonna have to wait for Christmas for that one, though. :( That’s a weird coincidence that there’s already a salesman named Lyle, though; I just thought it sounded salesman-ish. Guess I’m not the only one. Also, I like the names Mortimer, Slick, Rowley, or Carbuncle. Not as good as the last batch, I know, but I’m tired. (Also I am on the edge of my seat waiting for someone to suggest “Wile E.” for your coyote)
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December 1, 2014 at 4:32 pm #893613
I don’t have that Animal Crossing. I have Animal Crossing: Wild World, which I guess is kinda out-dated now. :/ UGH, I WANT THE 3DS SOOOOO MUCH!!!! Or the 2Ds. Either way. And yeah, I’m suprised no one suggested “Wile E. Coyote” (Super Genius) yet. Or Wily. Or Willy. Which I don’t think really suit his personality, anyway, so I guess that works out.
December 1, 2014 at 4:57 pm #893623
URG I WANT ONE TOO. I really want the new Pokémon game because OH MY GOODNESS I GET TO PET MY POKEMON AND FEED THEM PUFF-CAKES. Do you know how much I have always wanted to pet a Garbodor. And they’re even remaking Hoenn! YOU CAN FLY ON YOUR POKÉMON AAAH *spontaneously combusts* (Also eeee Wile E. Coyote. And nah, I guess it wouldn’t fit his personality or make much sense at all, but that’s okay because Looney Tunes. You have no idea how much I love Looney Tunes. Did I mention that I really like Looney Tunes???)
November 24, 2014 at 9:53 am #891651
Well if suggest these names for your chipmunk: for the girls, Brittany, Shylynn, Ria, Daniella, Cocoa, Latte, Carmella, Shantea, Autumn Spice, Nutmeg, Lavender, Vanillian, Cinnamon Spice, Vernabelle, And Farida. Boy named would be Desmond, Chance, Chase, Darren, Zachary, Louis, Zoom, Benny, and Chip or Dale. Non-gender specific names would be Carmel, Creampuff, Choconut, Nutterbutter, Roobios, Zesty, Tealeaf, Daze, Velvet, and Toffee. Hope you like:)
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November 23, 2014 at 9:26 pm #891503
Hello :3 I’ve had a Webkinz Signature Chipmunk for nearly half a year now and I really need names, any gender! I haven’t been able to think of one because I’m pretty picky.
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November 24, 2014 at 9:52 am #891644
Well, if you want cute-sounding names, I like Chippy, Jumbles, Doodle, Chester, Deedee, Nutsy, and Chubbs. If you want more elegant-sounding names, then I recommend Oregano, Basil, Adagio, Cashmere, or Sasha. Finally, if you want some conventional names, then I suggest Chica, Mitzi, Buster, Benji, or Patsy. I hope one of these strikes your fancy!
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December 22, 2014 at 9:42 am #898019
If you want some names, i got lots of em. Here are just a few off the top of my head. Chippey, Martha, Bob, Joe, Redd, Mary Jane, Mary, Jane, Pie, Meghan, Juliet, Lyla, Violet, Violette, Lammy, Hammy, Chip, Amanda, Anna, Jules, Julie, Luka, Debbie, Susie, Kelly, Henry, David, Anthony, Cheryl, Daisy, Henry, Mark, Eve, Anita, Anne, Johnny, Foxy, Chi, Gennelle, Chennelle, Mercedes, Pink, Ginger, Adam, Nutmeg, Cashmere, Doodles and Lavender. If you want a more chipmunk type of name, I like Doodles, Chip, Basil, Reggie, Whipped cream (Like i said, off the top of my head), Spots, June, April, May, Pink, Oregano and Rovee. I hope you find and of these names useful! ;) Jillyjills979 ;)
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