What Should I Name My Pet?

Home Forums My Pets What Should I Name My Pet?

This topic contains 1,475 replies, has 226 voices, and was last updated by  curlyhair444 1 month, 3 weeks ago.

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    Key Master
    1. #900043


      I just got a striped cheeky cat from my sister on Christmas but Im not sure what I wanna name it. I want it to be a girl but im horrible at making up names -.- Can someone leave me some suggestions for names :) ??? Thankies! :3

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      • #900205


        Hey, nice username! :D Anyways, if you’d like some quirky and funny names, then I suggest Trixie, Sketch, Piper, Cannoli, Scraps, Pebbles, or Pixel. If you’d prefer more fancy-sounding names, then I recommend Harlequin, Motley, Nutmeg, Marbella, Constance, Cheyenne, or Caramello. Finally, if you would rather have some conventional human names, then I like Louise, Lemmy, Rosie, Izzy, Wendy, Marissa, or Lauren. Hope one of these strikes your fancy!

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        • #900282


          Usually I try to name my Webkinz something that really fits them, so I’ll give you some names that might be kind of closely related somehow to the pet. You could name it(or something close to it) Brindle, Flower, Candy, Blossom, Peach, Willow, Swirl, Cherry(for its red nose), Casey, Katty, Lollipop, Lollie, Diane, Kainda or Frisk. Or you could name it after your sister(I bet she would really like that).

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        • #906096

          Hey whats up? I don’t know what i should name my Dalmation… any ideas?—BWFuzzycat228—

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      • #900344

        try to name it some thing that it looks like or what you think its personality is. Stripe is a example of something thats like what it looks like. As for their personality well thats up to you.

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      • #900445

        Hmmm well I think I’d name her Confetti, Lumi, Daydream, Sunny, Dazey, Franci, Daliah, Kit Kat, Lillipop, Confection, Venitia, Nita, Samantha Sprinkles, or Sugarcone if you wanted some out of the box names:) if you’re looking for a bit more traditional go with Candice, Sierra, Trisha, Suzie, Wynn, or Gina. A few spicy names (that is my specialty) are Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Paprika, and Tyme. Hope you like!

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    2. #899209


      This might’ve already posted but i just got a Wintermint husky and i named her Wynter, but anyway. The reason i’m here is cause i found a REGULAR WEBKINZ FOX on Ebay and i won it for $12.00!!!! I need a name for it!! I don’t know if it should be a girl or boy but i really like the name Jasper for some reason :P

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      • #899375

        Jasper is a great name for it! Here are some for a boy: Rojo (red), Flame, Fireball, Rudolph, Killian (from “Once Upon A Time”), Hunter, Arrow, Robin, Romeo, Forest, Sylvester, Speed, and Ninja. For a girl: Ruby, Rubella (from a TV show I watched when I was younger), Rudean, Rudy, Little Red, Marian, Roxy (Foxy Roxy haha!), and Rose. I hope you like these names! ***MidnightQueen***

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        • #899425


          I spy with my little eye a reference! :D Two, actually: Fireball and Rudolph from the Rudolph Christmas special, and Robin and Marian from Robin Hood. Now we’re even from the last time you called me out on Shakespeare names! >:D I’m kidding, haha. I did insert another Shakespeare name into my post, though; see if you can find it! :D

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          • #899461

            Actually, I didn’t give the names with “Rudolph” (the movie) in mind really. I didn’t even think about Fireball from “Rudolph” until you mentioned it actually! But you did catch me with the Robin and Marian thing! I really don’t like Maid Marian from “Once Upon A Time” though, and I just wanted her to go away until she did leave the town and took Robin Hood with her, but Regina (the character, not my Webkinz cat), loved Robin Hood, and was broken-hearted when he left her… it’s complicated. ANYWAYS, haha, I also suggested a Shakespeare name, Romeo. My Webkinz Signature Red Wolf is named Romeo. And I also mentioned Little Red, as in Little Red Riding Hood, whom was the werewolf on “Once Upon A Time”. And Killian is Captain Hook’s name on “Once Upon A Time”, but everyone mostly calls him Hook. I LOVE Captain Hook on “Once Upon A Time”! And I might not recommend Peter Pan for the fox, because Peter Pan was one of the “bad guys” on “Once Upon A Time”. He was Rumpelstiltskin’s father! But anyways, Captain Hook is a “good guy”, and Peter Pan is not in “Once Upon A Time”. I think most “Once Upon A Time” names would be good for the Webkinz fox. ***MidnightQueen***

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            • #899629


              Woah I did not even catch Romeo. HOW DID I NOT CATCH ROMEO. What is wrong with me. Anyways, Once Upon a Time sounds rather intriguing. It puts a new spin on old stories, which is cool. I always love to see people play with and deconstruct existing tropes and whatnot. And Peter Pan might be a good name for a fox, since the original incarnation of him is a mischievous boy. Once Upon a Time isn’t gospel, after all! Pan would also sort of fit since Pan is also essentially the most mischievous Greek god and his specialty is messing stuff up. Fits the common stereotype of foxes, I think. :P (Also, the Shakespearian name that I offered below was Puck. I swear Puck is so awesome. Especially the fourth-wall breaking at the end of the play. WHY DO I LIKE BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL SO MUCH?!)

            • #899786

              Peter Pan was EVIL in “Once Upon A Time”, so I will never be able to watch Peter Pan again without thinking about the kid whom was Rumpelstiltskin’s father and was selfish, but very cunning. He was not just mischievous, he was flat out mean. I can’t remember all the details, but I think he chose to be young again over his then-young son Rumpelstiltskin. And in “Once Upon A Time”, the Wicked Witch is the Evil Queen’s sister. You should totally watch it. Back to Webkinz, it looks like Hhayes posted before your post was moderated on our story. Do you really think our story is too dark? Perhaps that’s what happens when someone obsesses over “Once Upon A Time” like I do. That show is filled with dark magic. You know, I played this app called “Everlove: Rose”, and the app gives you points for the personality traits you have based on your choices in the game. Well, I tested highest for Romance and Will, so apparently I am very romantic and strong-willed! Back to Webkinz (again), where have you been? I haven’t seen you in a while. I hope I don’t ruin our little story we have going. ***MidnightQueen***

            • #899940


              Well, if you want an honest opinion, then no, I don’t think that the events in the story are too dark. However, I do think that the character interactions are incredibly unrealistic, and as a result it just looks like it’s trying to look “edgy”. Limes and Rainbow, who are supposed to have been lifelong best friends, constantly get into melodramatic arguments with little to no provocation, usually ending with one of them running away. It makes them seem more like enemies than friends, in my opinion; I can understand one argument in a heated situation, but like I said, most of the rifts in their friendship crop up randomly. They don’t help their relationship grow; usually, we end up making them just forgive each other and move on with no lessons learned, only to have them do the same exact thing later in the story. Character development is extremely important for a multifaceted character, especially the main characters, so to have them forget what happened every five posts isn’t helping the story. Keep in mind that I’m not trying to insult anyone, and I’m not personally attacking anyone; I’m just critiquing the writing and I think that will help us grow as writers. I’m sorry if I come across as too blunt, I’m just trying to help. I can trust that you won’t get mad at me. :)

            • #900352

              Perhaps you are right, and the interactions are unrealistic, but this is a monkey with a rainbow Mohawk and a little dragon living in a world of fairies… how realistic does it have to be? Also, I have to admit that if anyone were stuck in a situation such as that with another person (or in this case, Webkinz) that may or may not agree with what they’re doing, you very well might end up with conflict. It also depends on the individuals’ personality. And I have been in many conflicts (mostly with my parents), and what I have learned is that while there is a chance you might learn something from it, there will be plenty of times where you just hug and make up instead of learning some big life-lesson. Just think, if you and I were Rainbow and Limes, and one of us didn’t like the idea of teaming up with the bad fairy to find a wolf that got sucked into a vortex, we might eventually start disagreeing and arguing. Where as if we lived in a world of sweet little creatures and white, fluffy clouds then we might almost never disagree. If there is one thing that I have learned throughout these past years, it’s that where there are people there will be drama, and that includes conflict. Although I do agree that Limes and Rainbow ought to be making their friendship stronger through every hardship they go through, but at this time in the story their friendship is being put to the test, and this is the part where everyone (except maybe the writers) think that the friendship is over. I might soon reply to the story, but I don’t know if I know where to start really, and whose story entry to work with, yours or Hhayes. I might try to combine both, like you did when princejackson and I posted different parts of the story at the same time. I hope you aren’t in any way offended or angry with me, because I have way of getting on other people’s nerves! ***MidnightQueen***

            • #900447


              And yeah, I can agree with the conflict part; like I said, an argument in a heated situation is definitely understandable. It’s just kind of uncomfortable when an argument about which way they should go suddenly turns into an argument about whether they should stay friends. Like, I could see where it was coming from, but it just seemed weird that they were that jealous of each other. But that’s just me. I really don’t agree with your first sentence, though, because no matter how fantastic the setting I think that the characters’ personalities should be relatable and true. If it’s okay, I’m going to use Once Upon a Time as an example; there are a lot of fantastic elements in Once Upon a Time, such as evil queens and curses and magic and whatnot. However, I think we can both agree that if the characters made decisions out of nowhere, the show wouldn’t be nearly as good. I know that’s a bit of a stretch for an analogy, but I think it serves its purpose. Anyways, Limes and Rainbow having really big arguments isn’t inherently bad, but I do think that they lose their “oomph” if they happen all the time. But hey, I’m not the only one writing this story, so I think we should just see where it goes. All this arguing is making me uncomfortable. :P (Also, DID I JUST MAKE AN ENTIRE POST WITHOUT CAPS LOCK?!? Unacceptable. You didn’t think I could keep forming coherent thoughts for that long, did ya?)

            • #900522

              It’s fine that we don’t agree on everything, it’s what people do! And you are right about the “Once Upon A Time” characters having reason for what they do, if you watched the show you would learn that the Evil Queen became the way she is/was for a very good reason. I think Limes and Rainbow might be having some conflict without good reason, and perhaps we should work to change that, but like I mentioned before, this is a time when their friendship is being put to the test. It looks like you and I just have different ideas about how the story should be done. I might go work on the story soon. I hope I haven’t made you angry at me. ***MidnightQueen***

            • #900753


              Nah, I’m not angry at you. Forgive me for bailing out of the conversation like that, I just can’t stand arguments. (Yeah, I’m chicken. I should probably work on that. :P)

      • #899424


        Hi, sorry I’m late! (I was at an art museum for most of the day, haha.) Anyways, for your fox, I like the names Puck, Fletcher, Baton, Rascal, Felix, Sparrow, Skeeter, Harley, Havoc, Rogue, Ziggy, Finn, Hermes, Oliver, Taz, Striker, Zorro, or Cosmo. Hope one of these strikes you fancy!

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    3. #898969


      Merry Christmas! Hi! :) I just got the webkinz original brown cheeky dog for Christmas, and I have no idea what to name it, or if it should be a boy or a girl. If I could have some help that’d be great! I’m leaning towards it being a boy though….. Decisions, decisions…. Any ideas??? :|

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      • #899268


        Wow, congrats on your Cheeky Dog! If you’d like some fun or quirky names, then I suggest Doodle, Kipper, Flapjack, Copper, or Strudel. If you prefer more fancy names, then I recommend Brazen, Leonardo, Sirius, Atlas, or Hector. Finally, if you want some conventional human names, then I like Oliver, Casper, Percival, Gilbert, or Watson. Hope one of these strikes your fancy!

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    4. #898944


      For Christmas I got the Robin, Mocha Pup, West Highland White Terrier, and Tree Frog. I named the Robin “Robby”, the Tree Frog “Stickers”, the Mocha Pup “Cookies”, but I need a name for the Westie. It’s a girl, and I need help!

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      • #899208


        Hi there! If you’d like some quirky names, then I like Strudel, Lucky, Tinsel, Biscuit, Clover, and Chipper. If you’d like more fancy names, then I suggest Serendipity, Eclair, Cleopatra, Titania, Rosetta, Lorelei, or Velvet. Finally, if you’d just like some conventional names, then I recommend Charlotte, Izzy, Bonnie, Penny, Vivian, or Mallory. Hope one of these strikes your fancy!

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        • #899426


          Thank you for the names! I went with a plain name- Rosie. And, I changed my Mocha Pup’s name from Cookies to Coffee Bean (obviously I didn’t put in the code yet)

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      • #902864


        hi short little reply here i think already found a name, WESTIE! and if not westria! weh-stry-uh and cowgirl, patricia, cupcake, lady, carmen, catren, felina fell-e-nuh and anaya or anaiuh (uh-na-uh) have fun! crystal out~ : >

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        • #902867


          forgot to mention she was from re use it center so she didnt have a code but i still love her! bye!

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    5. #899027


      Hello! I got a flutter pig and a love puppy for Christmas and I have no idea what to name them! any suggestions would be great! :D also, the love puppy is going to be a girl, but I don’t know about the flutter pig thought….

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      • #899229

        Cupid for the Flutter Pig, and well, if I got the Love Puppy, then I might name it LoveGame or Bad Romance after Lady Gaga songs, but that is just me! ***MidnightQueen***

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        • #902863


          hi midnight! speakinz of love puppys guess what i got yesterday………A LOVE PUPPY! i need a name for her though. anyone got some suggestions? i like ranae and rashae or rashay. i also found this nice dress but the flowers on it fell of in the drier. whatever. the actual dress is fine and i can use the flowers as a hair accesory. it looks quite nice! well crystal out ~ : >

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      • #899135


        Congrats! First, I’ll give names for your Flutter Pig. If you like quirky and funny names, then I recommend Snowball, Lackadaisy, Doodle, Parsley, Corky, or Puffers. If you like more elegant-sounding names, then I like Nimbus (or Nimbi), Tempest, Hermes, Demetrius, or Hermia. Finally, if you just want some conventional names, then I suggest Oliver, Percy, Penny, Adeleine, or Jackie. Next up, your Love Puppy! If you like quirky names, then I suggest Spritzy, Pixel, Bitsy, Tenderheart, Cupid, or Snickers. If you’d like a more fancy name, then I recommend Venus, Titania, Aroma, Flora, Zephyr, or Orchid. Finally, if you’d like some conventional names, then I like Coraline, Juliet, Gloria, Lillian, Carrie, or Anna. Hope one of these strikes your fancy!

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      • #900343

        for the love puppy yo might want to think of names like rose or mabye the queen of hearts. For the flutter pig maybe for a girl casey and for a boy kevin

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